Chapter 47

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I don't hate the Queen. She irritated me yes, but hate? I don't hate her at all. With that being said I like to think I know what's best for our kingdom.

I was the King's whore at one time. The old king, who was older than me, quite liked the look of me. I had first entered the palace as a maid just as many women do.

I found a piercing gaze on me often, often enough I could not ignore it.

The second I connected our gazes it was over for me.

I warmed the king's bed often.

He was chatty after a good romp between the sheets.

He often called his wife, the Queen, prickly and emotionless. He considered her hard and unmoving. He said he wanted softness and flexibility. He wanted someone like me.

I ate those words up. A young girl like me was naive and gullible.

But I learned fairly quickly after that, I meant nothing.

The queen would always be his number one and most I would be is a member of his harem.


We were bound and made to stay on our knees. The discomfort made me irritable, and I worried the stress would do harm.

I watched as the guard dragged a beaten and broken lump to lie down next to us. I studied it for a while before realizing it was Erin.

"Erin!" I called

He moved only slightly but did not answer back. Before I could try again, a door flung open,

"Well well well. What do we have here?" I heard

The man that sauntered in front of us was my uncle, that much I could tell. He looked like the man I saw in my memories. It's almost exactly the same after all these years.

"Well look who we have here? Sweet little Endolynn. You look just like your mother; Disgusting." He sneered

I glared at him refusing to rise to the bait.

"I am so glad to have you here. My plan was a little different, but no matter. Now I can rid myself of all of you at once." He laughed

"You cannot, if you kill them war is guaranteed!" Koren yelled

"Finally! Ha, can't you see boy, I want war. I want to slaughter your pathetic kingdom and take the crown. Just like I did to this one. You do remember that don't you my dear niece?" Garrett asked

I refused to answer staring harshly at the ground.

"How about this then." He said

He waved his hand and the guards to the left moved allowing two guards to drag in Allon's limp form.

He looked as bad as Erin.

I cried out in shock.

"You know he was working for me. My little rat in the palace, but alas it would seem that was not meant to be. Even after all I did for him, he still tried to betray me."

My uncle walked up the small set of steps and plopped on the throne, throwing one leg across the side.

"Now I can watch all of you die together, what fun!"

The guards dropped Allon next to Erin and he fell into a similar heap on the floor.

What happened next was so fast it took me a moment to process it. Time seemed to slow down considerably. As if I was watching from outside of myself.

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