Chapter 13

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It was late at night and I had just finished with Madam Lorae. She has been in a better mood as of late. I assume it has to do with my progress. I knew I needed to take these lessons seriously so I was putting my all into learning everything she could teach me.

It was after one of these longa nd hard lessons that I heard yelling coming from further down the hall. I contemplated leaving it alone since I was so tired, but as I heard my name mentioned I decided to forgo my bed and shuffle toward the arguing.

The door to Koren's room was slightly ajar, the only one in the hallway that was open. I peeked inside and saw Koren and Ren really going at it, with Tori and Prish watching from afar.

"Koren you selfish bastard!" Ren yelled

"Selfish? Selfish would be me just doing it , but I plan to ask first!"

"What makes you think you deserve it! You have been nothing but mean to her since she got here"

"You were no better!" Koren quipped

I pushed open the door and the fighting immediately stopped.

"What is wrong?" I asked approaching the arguing couple.

"Well if it isn't the source of this argument," Tori said

"Me? Why on earth are you arguing over me?" I asked

"I don't think you should be giving away your innocence to just anyone" Ren fussed

"What! I am not just anyone" Koren argued

"Hold on who is giving their innocence to who?" I was extremely confused about this development

"You giving your virginity to Koren of course!"

This was news to me.

They noticed the confused look on my face

"Maybe" Tori added

"There is no need to argue about it" I tried

"Yes, no need because if you wait any longer neither one of you will be able to get her virginity" Tori stated matter-of-factly.

"What? Why?" I asked

"Well once you are made queen it is customary for the king and queen to spend the night together. There is no way you will be leaving that room unsatisfied" Prish answered

"Damnit!" Koren yelled

Before we knew it Koren and Ren were back at it, arguing like no tomorrow.

As if it was their virginity being up for grabs. The thought made me slightly uncomfortable, I never like how much emphasis was put on things like this.

"Hey, Allayna want to take a bath with us?" Tori asked grasping my elbow and steering me from the room.

"I don't know...what about the others?" I asked

"They will catch up eventually," Prish stated already heading towards the bath.

It was no more than twenty minutes later that Ren and Koren burst into a fairly compromising scene.

It started when Tori decided to scrub my body. His strong hands were innocent enough at first. Gentle yet firm as he scrubbed away at the skin. Then they started to linger, wrapping around my waist, and rubbing lightly on my stomach.

Prish was a little bold with his touches. He was blatantly massaging my breasts. Gently kneading them before taking my nipples between his fingers and pinching them.

I was slightly surprised at his action causing me to let out a loud moan.

"Quiet down princess. Any louder and I will have to fill that pretty little mouth of yours," Prish growled in my ear.

At this time Tori decided to stop teasing and slipping his fingers down toward my sex.

He rubbed my folds gently with his fingers before slipping a finger inside.

I once again let out a loud moan throwing my head back to rest on Prish's shoulder.

"Bad girl," Prish chastised

He dropped his hands from my breasts and backed away I had no time to inquire where he went before I felt a strong hand grab hold of the back of my neck. He dragged me to the edge of the tub and sat on the edge. His long thick member stood at attention and pointed directly at me.

"Be a good girl and open wide," Prish instructed

I was mesmerized by it. The head was mushroom-like with a little slit that was now leaking some milky substance.

I opened my mouth almost excited to taste what Prish had to offer.

Before I could the doors to the bath burst open revealing an angry Ren and an almost livid Koren.

"You sluts," Koren yelled stomping over to us.

"How dare you take advantage of dear sweet Allayna like this," Ren stated following close behind.

My mouth was still hanging open as Koren stared angrily at Prish's member still aimed directly toward my mouth.

"You are both big babies. We are doing nothing wrong," Tori fussed his hand still under the water rubbing gently at my folds.

I squirmed slightly itching to get some sort of release.

"You can always join us," Prish suggested

"Sorry to interrupt you heathens, but I need Lady Allayna." Another voice called from the doorway.

King Ari leaned against the door frame looking every bit worn out and tired.

"Allayna it is time we put our plan into action," He said before stalking off. I quickly scrambled from the tub and followed after him tying my robe.

"Damnit Ari!" I heard Prish yell before I disappeared into my room to get dressed.

Today was the day I had to start our little pregnancy charade. I just hoped it would not come back to bite me

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