Chapter 12

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"That man will be the death of me!" Ari screamed

We were all piled into his bedroom his family having already retired to their own quarters.

I was still in that restricting dress and it was getting harder to breathe by the second.

While the king ranted and raved, I motioned for Prish to unclasp the ties binding me to this demon of a dress. Prish was all too happy to untie the dress resulting in the bodice loosening considerably. I immediately shed myself of the overdress and waist clincher leaving me in just the under slip.

"Allayna this is not the time to try and seduce me" Ari grumbled glaring at me

"I'm sorry" I squeaked

"Do not fuss as her the poor girl could barely breathe since this morning. My stomach clenched just looking at her" Ren defended

"Here you are again, spoiling her" Koren hissed

Ren glared at him before bundling me in his arms and rubbing my sides gently.

"Whatever the case we have more important issues on hand! Allayna is not ready to be queen" Ari yelled rather harshly.

"Well although I agree Allayna does not have the regal elegance of a queen. I mean she has clearly gained weight, she still stutters when embarrassed, and she trips over herself often. Even with all of that Allayna has made strides with MAdam Lorae" Koren stated

"Thank you, I think"

I was unsure if he meant to insult me or compliment me, but that was the issue with Koren.

"Why would your father suddenly announce this?" Allon asked

He was stretched on the couch without a care in the world kind of like a cat.

"He is somehow under some ridiculous notion that Allayna is pregnant" King Ari revealed

I was completely taken aback by the revelation. It was true we participated in some sexual relations, but pregnant I was not. I pushed at the small swell of my stomach.

"Where would he get that silly notion?" I asked

"I am sure from a servant. I always knew Koren's fetish for leaving the door open would get us in trouble" Allon fussed

"You purposely leave the door open?" I questioned

"It has not become a problem until now" Koren defended

"Well, what are we going to do?" Prish asked steering the conversation back in the right direction.

" I can't tell him, he is unpredictable when he is angry which could lead to some unfortunate consequences,"

"Even if he came to this assumption himself? It's his fault" Koren said

"He won't care" Ari whined

"I am not pregnant. He would know this soon enough," I argued

"Well, then all we have to do is get you pregnant. Then it would not be untrue," Ren suggested

I froze, eyes wide and jaw almost hitting the floor.

"I would not mind that. Puppy wants to have my baby?" Koren asked sending me a wink.

" an option," Ari said

"Absolutely not!" I said

"Why not?" Ari asked

"I can barely take care of myself. I am not responsible enough to have a child," I argued

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