Chapter 46

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When I opened my eyes, Mir was still lying deathly still. The only indication he was alive was the slow rise and fall of his chest. Tori had his back against the headboard eyes trained on Mir as he slept.

"Did you get any sleep?" I asked sitting up quietly

"Hard to, the place is in some sort of uproar." Tori answered

"Why?" I wondered

"A festival, the men in the dungeons spoke of it briefly. They were not fond." Tori answered

"What kind of festival?" I asked

"One that celebrates the slaughter of a king and his queen. The king markets it as a day to celebrate him ascending the throne, but his citizens remember it far differently.They still celebrate though. The only time they can let loose." Tori answered

I turned this information over in my head.

"This could prove fruitful." I whispered

Tori looked at me in confusion. "How so?" He asked

"Well obviously most everyone will be preoccupied with this celebration. I say we plan an escape." I try

"An escape? Just because most people will be busy does not mean they will be unguarded.

It is a risk, especially with Mir still out of commission." Tori stated

I was already developing a plan.

"We can get out of here Tori. I have a plan."


The city was decorated to the nines banners and streamers hung from every light post and window.

Confetti decorated the streets in the colors of the crown, and people milled about heading in the same direction we were.

"Seems everyone is heading to the palace which is good will help us out." Koren said

We were dressed like commoners trying our best to blend into the crowd. The palace loomed ahead and despite my best attempt I could not conjure any concrete memories of the place. A few flashed here and there of the palace but nothing else.

We joined the crowd that moved like a wave towards the palace. Once we crossed the bridge and through the gates It was like a carnival. Tents were up selling food and wares. People performing on small stages and a larger one.

"This is pretty cool." Elo commented


It was the day of the festival and I managed to put part of my plan in motion.

I had noticed the guards that were that were currently stationed had been there since yesterday morning. The last two rotations did not happen due to need for them elsewhere. This was not part of the plan, but worked in our favor.

"Hey he isn't breathing help send help!" I yelled

The guards after some delay burst through the doors in a panic.

Tori and I stood right next to the door and the second they passed us we struck.

Tori jumped on one of the guards' back grabbing his head and snapping it quickly to the side effectively snapping his neck. I kicked my guard in the back of his knee, sending him to the ground. Once I did that I grabbed his head and smashed it against the floor repeatedly until he stopped moving.

"Jeez Ari aggression much?" Tori asked amused

I ignored him and quickly grug the bodies to the bed. Tori and I stripped them of their clothing and donned what we could. We then laid their bodies under the covers.

Mir was conscious now but a bit weak so Tori and I helped him to stand and started out the door.

"That was easier than I expected." Mir commented

"Let's not think of that." I said as we made our way down the hallway.


Once inside the palace walls we stuck to the perimeter. It was best to find a way to sneak past the guards and inside. An opportunity presented itself when a few already drunken guests began getting heated.

The guards that were in charge of the side servants entrance leapt into action quickly going over to pull the men apart.

I took that opportunity to slip into the entrance with Koren and Ren leaving Elo and Prish outside.

"Allayna I know you don't remember much, but can you try and guess where they would be?" Koren asked

Here we were the part of Koren's plan that had been plaguing me the entire way here.

I could barely remember this place how was I supposed to know where they would be kept?

Yet as I internally panicked my feet seemed to have a mind of their own. I walked forward Koren following closely behind me.

"He is a king despite everything. No matter how slimy my uncle is he would not put him somewhere like the dungeons. He would put him somewhere comfortable." I concluded

As we turned a corner we ran headfirst into a small group. Two guards holding

"Mir!" I yelled

I quickly grabbed him holding his face in my hands.

"What happened what did they do to you?" I asked tears threatening to spill over

"Allayana? What the hell are you doing here?" I heard

There they were Tori and Ari standing before me in one piece, wearing a clearly ill fitting guard uniform.

"Ari, Tori thank the gods you are alright!" Korean called hugging each of them.

"Shh we cannot attract attention." Tori warned

We huddled near the wall looking down the hallway to ensure we were alone.

I studied them for a moment before realizing something was wrong.

"Where is Allon?" I asked

"Don't ask about him." Ari said his voice going cold

"Why?" I asked surprised

"Because he is-"

"Dead. Just like you will be." We heard a voice state form somewhere behind us.

I didn't even have time to process before we were surrounded. Guards with swords pointed right at us.


"You failed time and time again. Tell me, why should I trust you to have another chance?"

I felt my jaw flex, my teeth grinding together. My irritation was growing by the second.

"Because no one else will. I am your only choice."

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