Chapter 10

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I sat in my room the next morning still madly blushing about last night. It was my first experience with such immense pleasure. For a group of men that claimed to find no attraction with women they sure knew what they were doing.

Last Night

For someone as inexperienced as me this was far out of my comfort zone. No man has ever touched me in this way. No man has even kissed me let alone dive his face right into my womanhood. Koren was forceful yet gentle. He spread my lips with his slender fingers and laid a soft kiss against my clit.

He then laid his tongue flat and licked from my hole to my clit. I jerked slightly and could not help the little moan that escaped my lips. Koren then lifted my leg draping them over each shoulder and grabbed a handful of my ass and dove in.

He was like a man starved as he sucked at my juices and burrowed his tongue in my hole.

As Koren pleasured me below the waist others focused above.

I felt plush lips attach to my neck on either side and the back. I felt large soft hands run down my arms. Another set of hands lifted my nightgown over my head and tossed it somewhere to the side. The lips and hands were momentarily disrupted before attaching to my skin again. Large calloused hands felt the way up my stomach to my breasts cupping each one. My focus was slipping as all of these foreign sensations took over my body. The thick wet tongue lapped at my folds. The large hands now gently pinched and twisted my sensitive nubs. The hand now slowly inching towards my throat-

"Lady Allayna I know you are not still in bed!"

Grish could be quite the nag when she wanted to be.

I had been hiding, I will admit, but it was for good reason. How am I to face anyone when the thoughts of last night flash into my mind at the mere mention of them?

"I will be delivering these paintings Grisha"

She stared at me for a moment before sighing and helping me get dressed.

I started grabbing as many of the portraits as my hands allowed and side-stepping out of the room. Grisha caught on quickly grabbed the rest and followed me.

I hurried down the hallway to the King's room. I did not bother knocking because I fully expected the room to be empty. Instead, I walked into what looked to be a very serious matter between the king and his advisors.

"Oh, Good morning," I said bowing

"Do you truly just barge in here you insolent girl" One of the advisors yelled

His name was Lord Gurren and he did not look upon me kindly. It would seem his daughter was also a candidate to be in the King's harem. I suppose anyone would be upset about that, but Gurren was downright childish at times.

"Gurren" Ari had a look of barely contained anger as he glared at him.

"Allayna darling just put those behind my desk" Ari finally looked at me and a big beautiful smile adorned his lips.

He was clearly tired and irritated, but it did not seem he was upset with me at least.

Grisha and I quickly laid the portraits down and scurried out of the room bowing constantly on our way out.

As soon as I shut the door I bumped into a hard chest.

"What the-"I started before looking up into the eyes of Mir who looked down at me curiously.

"Come," He said simply before taking my hand and dragging me to the left right into Ren's room.

I turned and reached out to Grisha who wore an amused smirk. She walked past me back towards my room.

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