Chapter 9

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I spent at least a week back at home. It felt great to be back, to feel free once again.

I did not feel the pressures of the court or the harem. Here it was like I was young again. I managed to even paint while I was there. I was allowing myself to create a world from my imagination. There was finally peace, but with peace came clarity.

I had time to truly think about the event of the last few weeks. What was happening? Is there a shift? Is there some sort of interest in me all of a sudden?

The night I finally returned to the palace I could not sleep once again. I roamed my room and the attached bathroom, staring at the walls, and urging myself to fall asleep. I was tired, but my mind was running. I was just about to attempt to sleep once again when a soft knock sounded at my door.

I was a bit hesitant to answer since it was so late into the night. I slowly made my way to the door and pressed my ear to it.

Another knock sounded this time louder making me jump back from the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Koren, open up puppy, don't be so paranoid"

I quickly swung open the door to reveal Koren and Elo standing before me dressed in nothing but silky night trousers.

"Oh," I croaked out in surprise.

"Something wrong?"

Koren was clearly amused by my reaction. I tried to look unbothered, but I was unsure if I was successful.

"No, what are you doing here?"

"We can't visit you?"

"This late?"

"Come with us Allayna will you?" Koren asked not bothering to answer, instead deciding to just take my hand and drag me along.

He led me to the King's room where everyone else was gathered.

"Ah Allayna! You look tired" The king commented as soon as he saw me.


He smiled and took my hand leading me to the center of the room where an array of furs and pillows lie on the floor in front of the large fireplace.

"Come sit down and relax"

He started pushing slightly on my shoulders so I lowered myself to the ground. I sat crossing my legs and smoothing my night dress over them. I felt someone sit right behind me his long legs on either side of mine. I felt his front press against my back and a sharp chin dig into my shoulder.

"You smell awfully nice" I heard Ren's unmistakable voice.

"Thank you"

He buried his nose into the junction between my neck and shoulder. I heard him take a long sniff before exhaling his warm breath tickling my neck.

"Allayna we missed you" Koren sat right in front of me grabbing my hands and fiddling with my fingers. Although Koren's hands were slender they were also long, just a bit bigger than mine.

"You missed me?"

That was a surprise. I honestly did not expect them even to know I was gone.

"Of course we did, you disappear one morning without so much of a note. It took Grisha's sheer patience and will not to kill us for hounding her"

Tori cried

"Oh" I whispered

"We want to get to know you, and since you never seem to be asleep at night we decided now is a perfect time" Ari spoke up

I ignored the slight dig at my nightly escapades.

"What do you want to know?"

"Well for starters your entire name, I heard it is not really Allayna," Elo asked

I was unsure where he heard that, but it was true. No one has called me by my first name for so long that I sometimes forget.

"My name is Endolynn Allayna Steelewater" I answered

"Endolynn? I never knew that, what an interesting name"

"Most people don't. Dad said it was a tradition where he was from to only call by the middle name. We use that for all of my brothers as well" I answered

"Tell us more" Koren urged

"I am twenty-two years old, I was born here. My parents are Lorenxa Allan Steelewater and Morore Tretcha Ganna Steelewater. I have four older brothers" I answered as if I was reading from a book.

"Ah yes, I remember them. We met long ago" Ari

"Ah, yes my brother Jaslyn is a big fan"

There was silence for a moment before someone spoke.

"Are you truly a virgin?" Koren asked bluntly.

The others groaned and fussed but Koren persisted.

"You all know you wanted to ask this question"

"At young ages, children in Nai were often forced into arranged marriages and if they were not married by fifteen their parents arranged for their virginity to be taken and then sell the children as sex slaves" Tori stated

"Really? That is horrible" Koren gasped

"Well, it was mostly in poor families that this occurred. Most citizens did not practice that act, but those who chose to live a more traditional Nai existence did" King Ari interjected

"You sure know a lot about Nai A-Ari" I stated softly.

"I am sure he would he practically grew up there" Ren stated

I was surprised by at that revelation, I never knew the king had even been to Nai.

"Yes, well back when I was born they did what was called hostage heirs. It was a way to show each kingdom that they trusted each other. It did not last long it was obvious the king of Nai could not be trusted" Ari revealed

"I do not know much about that since my parents did not participate in all Nai traditions. They never forced such things on us" I answered

"Yes well, you cannot control what others do. Though you did not answer my question" Koren said

"W-well yes I am" I stuttered

"Hmm delicious," Koren whispered

He was being entirely too much at the moment and I did not know if I could take anymore. It did not help that he now took to slowly rubbing up and down my clothed thigh, lifting the night dress up slightly each time.

"Allayna darling we want to try something. Would you allow us to experiment with you?" Ren asked suddenly.

"Like what?" I questioned

"Like eating that pretty pussy of yours until you cum" Koren growled

I squealed in shock at his dirty words, hiding my face behind my hands.

He continued to rub his hands up and down my thighs, this time a little more boldly.

"Pretty girl don't hind from me" He sang

He then slowly started to lift my night dress past my legs and thighs.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Do you trust us Allayna?" King Ari asked his eyes boring into me.

I ran that question through my head for a few moments. Although I took time to think about it. I was still unsure of my decision. All I knew was that if I did not act now, nothing will change.

"I do not trust you fully, that can be expected, but I will trust you not to hurt me...for now," I stated with finality.

"That is all we need," Koren stated before lowering himself between my thighs.

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