Chapter 25

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It was a week later that I was finally allowed to leave the room.

The wound was healing and still hurt, but I was needed at the palace.

Mir basically carried me to the carriage, but it was important I walk into the palace on my own. It was a challenge and I did my best to school my face to be impassive.

So many people were gathered to watch me enter the palace. I was shaking but I could not tell if it was visible or not. I did not like the number of people. Any slight movement had me turning my head to make sure there were no black figures with arrows pointed at me.

My vision was starting to swim dangerously and I hastened my pace quickly enough to get inside faster, but not so fast that it looked as if I was running.

I was unsure if I was successful or not, but I was only able to truly breathe once I was inside.

Once I did breathe my chest throbbed in pain. 

"Your majesty, would you like to go to your chambers?"

I realized I was in the middle of the hallway in front of attendants clutching my chest and trying to get my frantic breathing under control.

"Yes, please"

Once I made it to my room my breathing was better.


I was happy to see her looking well.

"I have missed you"

I hugged her as tight as I could with my wound.

"I am happy to see you are doing well your majesty,"

"I was worried since I haven't seen you"

"Well you know it had been hectic here"

Grisha did not explain further and I found no reason to push. I trusted Grisha with my life.

I was able to nap only a bit before I was called into Ari's room.

I was still upset at him, but my anger subsided over the last few days.

"We will be leaving for the front lines in a few days,"

This left me so confused, I was unaware there was even a war.


"Allayna you were almost killed. I did not wish to burden you, but I need to impress upon you how serious that is"

He took hold of my arms.

"The queen of a neighboring kingdom was almost killed by agents directly sent by the king of the other kingdom. There is no other option that means war"

I hated this more and more.

"We have already been moving troops. War is no longer a possibility but a fact"

"Am I to go with you?" It was the only thing I could think to ask.

"No, you cannot go with us. You must stay here," Ari answered

"And do what?"

"Rule that is what you must do, you must rule this kingdom in a time of war. Besides, there is much to be done. Mother wishes to throw you a late birthday celebration," Ari answered

"I don't want to do that Ari,"

"Allayna, I am sorry but I really don't have the patience to hear what you want to do. I am telling you what you will do,"

It was silent for a beat before I answered. Air had never talked to me that way. It stirred complex feelings inside. Was I angry that he spoke to me that way? Or was it something else entirely, Excitement?

"How can you say that?"

He did not answer. Instead, he was called by an attendant and left me alone.

I hated this.

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