Chapter 18

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Allon was fast and produced two long thin daggers in his hands. I had no idea where he was hiding them, nor did I know what his plan was.

Allon rushed the assassin with a swiftness I have never seen from him before.

"Allayna down!" Prish yelled

He dragged me to the floor as another arrow sailed past me.

Prish picked me back up and we started running.

"What about Allon!" I yelled slowing down.

"No stopping, Allon will be fine!" Prish yelled as he grabbed my arm. We turned the corner to find another man dressed in black. I had no time to process the situation before another arrow sailed towards me, Prish jumped right in front of me the arrow slamming right into his arm.

"Agh!" He yelled in pain

"Prish!" I yelled holding him up. The man at the end of the hall was rearing for another arrow and I knew I had to act quickly. I started dragging Prish back around the corner back the way we came.

"We have to get to the King's quarters," Prish breathed obviously in a lot of pain.
"I know dammit let me think!" I yelled

I quickly opened the nearest door and helped Prish inside.

As it turns out it was a side door leading into the library.

I scanned the room trying to find the best way out of this situation. I helped Prish up the stairs and as we reached the second level I heard the door open.

We scurried to the next set of steps going further up.

"There aren't any secret passageways in the gods-forsaken palace?" I whispered furiously

"To the right"

I did not hesitate to follow Prish's instructions.

He led up towards the very back where a set of heavy red curtains hang. Under the curtain was a wooden panel and Prish pushed on it it opened to revel a small room.

I shoved him inside and made sure the curtains were in place and the door was shut.

We were silent at first straining to hear if the assassins were close.

After a small while, I turned to where I assumed Prish was in the darkness.

"How is your arm?"

"How do you think?"

I felt around until I was able to make out Prish.

"I got this just take a deep breath," I instructed

I could feel his tense up.

"Prish just do it"

He finally took a deep breath.

I immediately took hold of the arrow and broke it right at the skin.

"Fuck!" Prish yelled

"Now we bind it," I said ignoring his whimpers.

I ripped a piece of the dress I wore and wrapped it tightly around the wound.

"That should hold for now,"

"Where did you learn that?" Prish asked

"My father decided a family outing to the mountain springs was a good idea a few years ago. As it turns out mountain cats are not fond of people trying to shoot arrows at them. Jaslyn has terrible aim. All in all the trip was cut short and I learned how to dress a wound in an emergency,"

"You never cease to surprise me," Prish stated in wonder.

"Yes well"

I set my ear against the door and listened carefully. I heard nothing, but that did not mean no one was out there.

I ripped the bottom of my dress, the flimsy fabric falling away easily enough.

I once again set my ear against the door and slowly crept the door open. I noticed no movement and I knew we could not be here all day.

"Alright, Prish I am running this show now so be a good boy and follow me,"

I opened the door and the curtain. Once again I noticed no one and ushered Prish along with me.

I had no idea where this confidence was coming from, but as soon as it was there it was gone.

Once I realized whoever had entered the library was gone I stopped. I had no idea where to go now. We needed to get to Ari's room and I had no idea how to get there from here.

"We should head out of the west door" Prish finally said

I was now following Prish as we weaved through the back hallways on our way toward Ari's room. It was silent at this time which allowed for my mind to wander.

'What did I do to deserve someone trying to kill me?'

Now I know I have done nothing wrong to anyone in my entire life so what on earth could be the reason? Maybe it was those people Sir Ellen thought were my parents. Perhaps that was a mistake.

Though the look on Ari's face let me know it was far from a mistake.

"You are thinking too hard Allayna," Prish commented

"Yes well, a lot has happened don't you think?"

Prish grunted but decided not to say anything.

We had taken a certain turn that led us just slightly beyond the main hall on the opposite side. I could still hear a commotion and even screams and crying.

"Wouldn't it be safer to leave the palace?"

"Perhaps, but we can't protect you properly if you leave,"

We slowly crept down the hallway perpendicular to the main hall. I kept my eyes trained on the main hall. From where we stood I could vaguely make out some human-sized lumps on the ground. I tried not to think too much about it, but my heart squeezed at the sight. Perhaps they were the assailants and everyone else is fine.

I sighed heavily once we were past the front hall.

"We can cut through the kitchen and up the service stairs to get out of the main hallways again," I luckily recognized where we stood.

"I am not surprised you know this," Prish said

I rolled my eyes but kept moving.

The kitchen was as vacant as the hallway we left.

"Why the hell is this happening anyways Prish? You know something don't you?" I asked

"This isn't really the time to explain, I really have no idea,"

"There is no time like the present Prish. You know in case I take an arrow to the head anytime soon,"

Prish visibly cringed at my words not looking in the least bit amused.

"Allayna please refrain from saying such things. I would never let anything happen to you,"

I have never seen Prish this serious in my entire stay at the palace. His stare scared me almost. It was clear he did not take too kindly to my little joke.

"Yes well then if we don't want that to happen let us get moving," I said

I went straight towards the pantry and opened it. At the very back of the pantry behind crates of onions stood a door. I opened the creaky door and led Prish up the dark and dank stairway.

The stairway had multiple levels that led to different areas of the palace. It was for servants to get anywhere as quickly as possible. 

I kept straight for two sets of stairs before turning right and opening the door at the end of the hall. That door led us right outside the king's quarters.

"I have been here for years and have never seen use this way," Prish commented

"Well, I get late-night cravings,"

We made our way into the king's quarters passing everyone's room until we got to Ari's room. I threw the door open expecting to see everyone already there. Instead, I got searing pain as if an arrow embedded itself in my chest.

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