Chapter 3

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 The rest of the day was spent avoiding them to the best of my ability.

I was absolutely mortified that they caught me peeking last night. I particularly wanted to avoid Ari. 

Now that I know he saw me it was horrifying, although something deep inside of me likes the fact that they are paying attention to me now, even if it is for embarrassing reasons.

I found myself in the vast maze-like garden setting up my supplies. Once again aiming to paint the stunning scenery before me.

I was fond of a small fountain that sat off in the corner almost forgotten. It sat just in front of a large blossom tree. During the spring the tree would shed its bright pink petals into the waiting fountain along with the overgrown vines creating the most beautiful scene.

Once I was done setting up I started on the painting enjoying the serene atmosphere the spot provided. I don't know how long I sat there before I heard voices. I could hear a conversation between multiple people coming from just beyond a large wall of bushes.

I recognized the King's loud voice and immediately inched closer to listen.

"What do you plan to do about it?" Of course, it was Koren, the king's most trusted confidant.

" At this point, I am King only on the surface. Father still holds the crown in his grip. Father demands I have an heir and a queen before I can take the throne completely. He will not allow me to take it otherwise"

"All this time, I have proven myself to be a reliable successor while he lay ill and yet he still insists I name a queen."

He was pouting that much I could tell. I had only ever seen him stoic so to hear his melodic voice take on such a tone was surprising, to say the least.

"So you must announce a queen? Whom are you considering?" Koren wondered

The silence was deafening, it was like they froze completely.

"It would seem I have even less than a choice" The king spoke first

"Ah" was all Koren said at that.

"Well, although I do see her as still immature, it cannot be helped. I must name someone and Lady Allayna is the most logical choice"

"If you say so, though I can't help but disagree"

I could only imagine that sinister smile on his face again as his venom-dipped words were spoken.

Koren is scary.

Although scarier are the words that the king spoke.

I was to be queen? I have barely had any etiquette lessons. I still do not know how to walk properly. I wanted to lose weight around my midsection, I could not become queen like this. I am a mess!

"Damn those chocolate bun buns" I angrily whispered as I glared at the half-eaten box next to my chair. The cause of my significant weight gain.

"Who goes there?"

I am truly proud of how fast I jumped into action.

I immediately galloped back to my easel, trying to pretend I had been there the entire time. I went a bit too far humming to myself and doing my best to look busy.

I spotted them entering from the corner of my vision, but pretending not to notice them.

I had hoped it looked as if I was not eavesdropping on their important conversation.

"Lady Allayna" I heard the King call

I turned and pretended to be surprised at their presence. I could already tell I did not fool Koren one bit.

I also noticed that he had far more than Koren with him. Matter of fact he had everyone with him.

I fumbled from my stool and went into a low bow.


"What are you doing here?" The king asked as he came closer to inspect my canvas.

He was close, a little too close. I could see sweat droplets cascading down the side of his face to his neck and then to his collarbones. It looked as if he had just finished some sort of strenuous workout, perhaps combat training or something else. He wore a loose white shirt open at his chest and tight leather trousers. I also spotted the sword hanging from his hip.

When they walked in some of them were dressed much the same, but of course not Koren, he would never.

I was so focused on leering at him like a child with a crush I failed to notice he was addressing me.

He snapped his fingers in front of my face finally bringing me back to reality.

"Something distracting you my lady?" He asked

The most irritating smirk adorned his face and Koren's.

"Nothing in particular. What was it you asked?"

I tried to sound as unaffected as possible, but he got even closer and my mind was starting to blank.

"I asked what you were doing here?" He reiterated

"Ah yes, I like to paint the fountain after the petals fall from the trees. It gives it a whimsical look"

"I quite like your painting Lady Allayna"

His compliment warmed me. I could feel myself heat up at such simple words.

He finally drew his eyes away from my face and towards the rough sketch.

"Thank you, my king"

"Please call me Ari, you have been here long enough"

I did not want to call him Ari. For some reason, I felt we were not close enough for that, not in the slightest. It felt too comfortable, too personal, and too disrespectful.

He was clearly waiting for me to agree, one does not simply deny a King.

"Thank you, Ari"

"I heard from Koren you offered to paint for us?"

I almost turned my face up at that.

'Offered' was not how I would put it.

I chanced a glance at Koren and he was already staring right at me.

His face was chillingly impassive, even his eyes replayed no emotion.

Once again, Koren is scary.

"Yes, I was asked earlier today to do so. I am honored" I answered

"I will have to get someone to paint yours, no? Or can you paint a portrait of yourself?" Ari asked

My surprise must have been visible as those infuriating smirks were once again present.

I could feel some obvious misplaced excitement in my chest.

I gathered myself a bit before speaking.

"I c-can paint my own thank you"

Damn that studdering again.

"Good to hear, that takes immense talent. We will begin tomorrow so be ready in the morning, bring anything you need" He stated starting off back down the path from which he came.

"Yes thank you my- I mean Ari" I stated bowing again as they departed

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