Chapter 45

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It had only been a day or two before the door to my extravagant prison was wrenched open. Guards dragged in a bloody Mir with Tori right behind. I jumped from my seat on the bed and ran to Mir. He seemed fairly conscience, but it was unknown how long he would be like this.

The guard quickly shut the door behind them.

"Wait we need a doctor!" I called after them

"Shut up! Someone will be in eventually."

"Fucker." I hissed

"It looks as if his wounds are not too deep." Tori commented

I finally remembered he was there.

"Tori where have you been? Are you hurt?" I asked 

Tori looked dirty and tired like he was put through the wringer.

"They put me in the prisons. Not as nice as this one I will say." Tri stated

"What happened Tori? What happened when you and Allon got here?" I asked

"Well, it started with the-"


We arrived at the palace with little issue. We were warmly welcomed by some council member upon our arrival and promptly taken to our rooms.

"We were surprised to hear the high priests from Omari were visiting. Our king is very religious and deems this visit a sign of good things to come." The councilman explained as he led us through the long winding halls of the palace.

Nothing seemed odd at first. It seemed as if our disguises worked. That is until we turned down a hallway that seemed to get darker the further we went. I had actually grabbed Allon's hand slowing us without notifying the councilman.

"Something seems off Allon. We should go back." I whispered

"There is no going back Tori, you should know that much." Allon stated

He was making no effort to hide his voice and he kept his eyes trained a head.

"W-What?" I asked shocked.

He finally looked at me sadness in his eyes. "Sorry Tor, I have no choice." He whispered before something knocked me in my head.

Present (King)

"Why would he do this? Why would he betray his people, his country, us?" I roared

"I don't know, but I cannot help to feel there is more to it. There has to be a reason." Tori said

"Well I certainly hope so, and it better be a good one." I growled.


"Why does this happen to us?" I wondered aloud

We were currently sitting in a roadside inn. Koren was talking animatedly with the woman behind the bar, Prish sat between Ren and I tinkering with something, and Elo sat across from me looking as miserable as ever.

"It is a quest, this rarely go according to plan with a quest." Ren mumbled in answer

"Quest or not, how do we even expect to get Ari, Allon, Tori, Erin, and Mir back safely without getting killed in the process." I asked

"I think I know how." Koren said from behind me

I jumped out of my seat Prish grabbing my waist to settle me.

" You're like a damn ghost Koren." I hissed

"I heard there is a celebration, a festival of sort happening soon. The festival is to celebrate the day the current king ascended the throne." Koren started

"The day he murdered my parents." I stated

Koren nodded solemnly.

"The festival is the only time the palace is open to everyone, commoners and nobles alike. It is our best bet to get inside without trouble." Koren finished

"But how do we get into the country?" Ren asked the more pressing country.

"Do not worry about that. I have it all figured out." Koren stated cryptically.

Later that night

I laid in the best fresh from a bath an immensely tired. Prish laid beside me rubbing lightly over my stomach.

" What would you name a boy?" He asked

"I am not sure, I have no idea whose child it is anyways." I answered

"It doesn't matter Allayna, the child is all of ours." He stated

I thought on those words. It was not common to have more than two parents. I have never know anyone that had the same situation as us. If this child is to be an heir it would have to be claimed as Ari's child, but what if it isn't?

"Are you worried about it? Our babies have all of these parents?" 

"The world is complicated Prish, there is no answer for these types of questions." I stated finally.

"We can always make the answer, together." 

"Not sure we can, not in this situation." I whined

"Let us just drop it for now, no stress bad for the baby." Prish chided

"How about I help relax you a bit? It will be a long stressful few days and I don't want our queen stressed." He whispered

I looked at him confused as he removed the silk wrap I had on exposing my body to the air. THe air was slightly chilly causing goosebumps to appear on my skin and my nipples to harden.

"So pretty." He moaned running his hands down my sides. He grabbed my breasts slowly massaging them rolling my nipples between his fingers. He latched his mouth onto one sucking harshly. I arched up moaning his name as I grabbed a small portion of his hair and pulled lightly. He pooped off of that one and went to the other the air making it harden up almost too tight.

Prish slowly made his way down my torso leaving sloppy kisses along the way. He pushed open my legs nipping at my thighs.

"You are too pretty." He groaned staring down at me.

"Aw, you both are the worst." We heard a high-pitched whine coming from the door.

I turned my head to find Koren, Elo, and Ren standing there all obviously done with their baths.

"No one said you couldn't join." Prish said before licking his lips and diving in.

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