Chapter 22

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Allayna was refusing to talk to Ari and I could not blame her. This entire situation was so shocking and she was at the epicenter.

Even as I lounged at the end of the bed watching her read I could feel her tension. She wasn't really reading. Her mind was in turmoil.

"Do you want to hear a story?"

She looked at me, she was hesitant. Finally, she put her book away and nodded.

I was born to a high-class family in the city. The usual privileged child, my parents gave me whatever I wanted with absolutely no discipline. It was all well and good until my parents were murdered. I saw it with my own eyes at the tender age of 11.

It was a dark and stormy night not unlike most nights in the northern part of the city. I was surprisingly tame this night, deciding to play with my toys near the fire in the study. My parents sitting in the large stuffed armchairs behind me.

I can't remember what they were discussing, something trivial. There was a knock at the study door and Ulris, our butler's, voice could be heard on the other side.

"Master, Lord Henry is here to see you," He called

"Let him in," My father called back.

The door opened and in came the man. All I remember now is a large black figure. The figure emitted death the second it walked in. I was scared of him, I had no real reason to be but he always terrified me.

The second he walked in I hid under my father's desk and slowly inched towards the wall. The wall had a small door that no one but me even knew about. Once I was safely inside I watched them from the outside.

"Henry, what brings you here?" My father asked not bothering to look behind him.

"Chester I know about the deal with Lorenzo. Do you think I wouldn't know you went behind my back? Are you trying to freeze me out?" Henry yelled.

He was already angry, already filled with rage.

I stuffed myself further into the little alcove.

I watched the man slice my father's throat and then my mother's.

It was a life-changing experience for me. My parents' will disappeared and everything was left to him. I ran away after the funerals. I knew it was a matter of time before he dealt with me.

I ran off with nothing but a few coins and some clothes.

I had no idea where I was to go or what I was to do. It only lasted a few days before I was out of options. I had never lived like this in my life, no food, no money just nothing. The Wyn Wood Circus was in town. It was the biggest circus in the kingdom and was always a big event. I remembered going every year when my parents were alive.

I was drawn to it for some reason, maybe because it was familiar.

I remember sneaking in and watching from the very back. Still amazed at the special abilities these people seemed to possess. After the show, I crept into the back with the idea to slip into one of the many tents to sleep. The sky was getting grey and the moon was being covered. That was a sure sign it was going to rain. I had just managed to sneak past a few performers when I ran headfirst into him. A man so large and hairy it was terrifying. He grabbed me before I could get away.

"What do we have here? A little stowaway ye?" He said

I struggled, but his grip was strong. He carried me kicking and screaming to a tent.

It was there I met the most beautiful person in the world.

"What do we have here?" She asked softly

Her smile was so soft and genuine that it immediately relaxed me.

"Not sure, hey kid run from your parents?" The man asked

"They're dead," I answered

That shocked them both speechless for a few moments.

"Who took you here?" She asked

"I came by myself I am old enough for that," I answered still trying to struggle away from the man.

"Is there no one to take care of you?" The woman asked.

Her voice was filled with pity, which made me angry.

"No one that wants to see me alive!" I yell

"Johan let him go," the woman said

Once I was released she motioned me forward. The urge to run was overwhelming, especially considering my situation. I shuffled towards her slowly before she gently wrapped an arm around me. She pushed some of my hair from my face and gave me a sweet smile.

"We will take care of you," she said

It was better for me after that. While the murderer of my parents was blowing through their money and running my father's business into the ground, I was happy. I was the happiest I had been at this time. I had two people that seemed to actually care about me. It made me miss my parents so much. They were not perfect, but they loved me that was all I needed.

Both guardians taught me so much that molded me as a man. I never took part in the circus, mainly due to my lack of talent.

We left the circus just a few years later, Johan starting a business in the city and Esmerelda working in the theater.

It was stable after that. They put me in the best schools and always pushed my education. They wanted me to work in the capital city one day.

That day came when I was studying at university. I met a young man by the name of Koren. He was visiting the area accompanying his lover. The man interested me so much I couldn't help being enthralled by him. He exuded so much confidence and raw sexual energy. I had never been exposed to such a person before.

Suffice it to say that night I was given a completely new experience. I had never considered men before, or anyone for that matter. Koren was an exception for sure.

Unfortunately, he left and I had not seen him for a few years until I went to the capital.

I was offered a position as an assistant for Lord Yiro who served on the King's council.

I managed to meet the prince then and surprisingly enough Koren was with him. Hanging off of him like he would run off any second. It was the second time seeing Koren and the first time meeting his lover.

That day became the happiest day in a long time.

When I finished spinning my tale I looked over at her. It was hard to describe the look on her face. It was not pity or even sadness. Perhaps it was longing. Perhaps she longed for what I managed to find.

"You know you can be this happy, this loved"

"Things are different for me"

"That means nothing to us and you know that. Just give it a chance. You might find exactly what you are looking for"

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