Chapter Two

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Layla walk in dejecticaly then push close the door behind her while still rubbing the hand cream she put on her hand before leaving her room.

She was at the middle of the room when the toilet door was thrown open and AbdulAzeez appeared before it in his towel.

A genuine smile gracefully came up on Layla's face. This is the first time he is coming home early in a while and when she says early, that's pass 10.

Layla sat at the edge of the bed her eyes glued on him. Gosh how she missed him. She missed having to go to sleep together.

She missed snuggling with him, she missed smelling his manly scent next to her and she definitely missed getting intimate with him.

Whenever he came home she is already asleep, sometimes even when she wait for him and made the attempt, he end up ignoring her telling he is tired or he has headache and all.

And well in the morning, well let just say morning is not his time, he hates morning and always sulking.

"How is work?" Layla asked awkwardly attempting to start small talk cause she has forgotten the last time they sat down and actually talk including weekends.

"Ahh!..." AbdulAzeez groan giving her a side glance while getting his pyjamas.

"Exhausting." He added while actually turning to fix his gaze on her. "There is this new client we have. He is acquiring another company but both owner's are pain in each other's asses."

Layla chuckles her smile widening as she fix it on him. "Why is that."

"They can't reach and agreement and they have to do that before we can draft up the sell..." He explained nonchalantly.

"Well Good luck..." Layla wished happily.

"Listen..." She went on hesitant. She wants to talk to him about Shuraim and she wants to make it crystal clear too.

"About Shuraim..." She went on calmly. "I heard you send him some money..."

"Yeah...Yeah...I did..." Abdul said nonchalant while sparing perfume on his pyjamas.

"Was it not enough...?" He asked as if is the most normal thing in the world while wearing his shirt. "I was busy when he called so I just send him the money without thinking."

Layla scoffed looking at another direction. Why is she not even surprise anymore.

"I can send him more..." He continue now approaching the bed.

"Don't..." Layla snap her gaze on him. Maybe is the way her voice sounded but Abdul immediately raise his eye to her not understanding what the issue is about.

"My family is not your responsibility..." Layla started frustrated with the whole issue.

Holding his gaze softly, she continue with. "Am grateful for all that you have done and am thankful that you took them as your own but..." She trail her voicre breaking.

Layla swallow a lump. Why is it so hard to get the words out when she has being prepping it in her head for a while now.

"The upkeep you give me for Umma is enough..." She continue forcing her voice out. "I don't want you to ever send one naire to Shuraim or any of the member of my family without concrete reason and my consent."

She doesn't know why but as soon as she said the words she felt as if something heavy was lift up her chest. Maybe is because the issue has being weighing her down lately.

Abdul simply nod his head, pressing his lips together. "Alright." He mumble without asking for reason or anything and that's who Abdul is.

Layla also nod her head in appreciation as she force a smile to her face not because she feels like it but she has to stand her ground on this.

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