Chapter Twenty Six

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Layla leaned against the wall of the elevator with her eyes closed and her hands folded to her chest which of course have her hand bag tangled between. Is 8 o'clock in the evening already and on her way to their buffet dinner which is taking place by the beach.

And like the winner she is, she decided to dressed exquisite for the night, not that her heart feel like it, but she have to do it, to lift up her spirit.

So she got all dressed up in a beautiful pink carosel gown with a cowl neckline and big balloon hands, design by Luxuriously Made which she came across scrolling through her IG.

Thank God she was informed about the dinner yesterday, so she didn't wait to come back to her room before she order it, actually she ordered two, with the one she wore this afternoon and she is absolutely loving them already.

Thanks to their express delivery, it was delivered this morning which was fast cause she was expecting it till evening that's when she learned that they have a shop here in Lagos.

She opted for a simple, small white veil since is the only veil she came with which will go with the color, for her shoe and bag, they're black.

No one was nice enough to inform her of the dinner until yesterday when Dr Rilwan actually mentioned it, that's why didn't she come with anything appropriate for it, even the two gowns she ended up buying has made her account sink.

But she is Layla, she never go to a place under dressed. She simply haven't and will never allow herself to feel less or out of place at any event.

Layla sighed, snapping her eyes opened with the ding sound of the elevator. She stood straight, waiting for the elevator to open completely before she step out, but not without checking her appearance once more on the glass wall.

Walking out, she took a deep breath while heading towards the back door, but then something or rather someone caught her attention which made her to stop dead on her track. Stunned.

Didn't he said he was leaving. In her calculations, he should be in Kaduna by now since is a 1 hour plus flight.

As if on a cue, Jawad slowly turned facing the elevator, with his eyes on his wrist watch but as soon as he caught her glance, he also stop dead on his track, his heart skipping a beat by the sight of her.

She has a small scowl on her face but nonetheless, she looked surprised seeing him here, totally unexpected as she tilt her head, her brows frowned.

She looked elegant, sweet with the color of the clothe bringing out her complexion more which only increases her glow.

Layla's face deepen with a scowl while holding his unblinking blank gaze which slowly became emotional.

What happened this evening affected her. To be frank, his words hurt her, piercing deep inside her soul, something that she thought no any other man will be capable of doing.

How wrong was she, she doesn't know how or when it happened but it did, which is why instead of feeling sorry or indulging on whatever that is, she decided to dressed up, go out and have fun forgetting about her complicated life for once.

But seeing him standing here, in his beige colored kaftan and with a cap. Looking everything a woman will ever dream of in a man.

The emotions in his blank cold eyes twirling as usual, speaking words that his mouth could. "I love you..." This words from earlier rang inside her head.

Although she promised herself not to waver, she thought no words will make her waver, but here she is, with a simple I love you from a guy whom is clearly forbidden to her, her heart beating, racing as if this is the first time she is hearing the words.

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