Chapter Thirty One

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"This house is quite big..." Layla trailed off turning to glanced at her sister in-law.

"And since is just your friend and few family, I think it will be okay." She offered her attention on the okra in front of her.

Hassana sighed while playing with a pen between her fingers. "I also agree with you, but have you seen Hussaina's friends? She have a whole lot of bride tribe."

Layla chuckled playfully as she drag a stool and sat by the island, holding a grater in her other hand.

"And on top of that, not all of them have sense. They will drive you crazy before the daybreak." Hassana informed truthfully.

Layla laughed once again by Hassana words. They have been going back and forth, trying to finalize the venue for their wedding event.

And Ammi already made it perfectly clear to them that their slumber party is definitely not happening in her house unless they will change the event to bride shower.

"Have you meet my family." She mumbled softly as she started greting the okra which made Hassana to put her calm gaze on Layla.

"But you guys are so close." Hassana murmured cause the few times she met them, she can see how close with each other they're.

"Yes. But we drive each other crazy." Layla shrugged with a hint of seriousness in her voice to which Hassana laughed off and took as a joke.

Hassana sighed happily, going back to her note pad as she tick on the slumber party. "You're a life saver you know."

Layla chuckled awkwardly before she look down as her smile slowly faded. If everything goes according to her plans, she will not even be there for their slumber party.

And she is sure Umaima will not agree to live in the house she vacay, so why not have them make the house lively for once before Abdul sells it to whomever he wants.

"Our gowns have arrived." Hassana mumbles with her eyes on her phone which made Layla to glanced at her. "And Hussaina is going crazy over how amazing they look."

"Am sure it most have caused a fortune for Hussaina to give it a stamp of approval at a go." Layla joked but half serious knowing the expensive taste of her sister in-law.

"It is a custom made from Luxuriously Made." Hassana deadpan dropping her phone which made Layla to turned to her yet again but this time surprised by the name she heard.

"Wait!" She exclaimed. "I know that shop. I ordered two gowns from them which sank my acct but I am totally in love with them."

Hassana chucked happily. "Their designer and Huda, their face just know how to made you fall in love with a clothe once she advertise it."

"So they do bridal too..." Layla asked as they continue their little chatter happily.

"Not really." Hassana replied in a go. "Ammi had to begged a friend, who knew a friend, who is related to her mother inlaw and they did it because the offer came from her if not, she didn't want to do it."

"Is she that big of a deal?" Layla mumbled casual cause to her, that's too much for a gown that you will probably end up throwing inside your wardrobe after wearing it once.

"Yeah..." Hassana trailed off waving her hands on the air. Not believing for a fact that Layla doesn't know who she is taking about. Isn't everyone invested in Huda and her life, no matter how private she tries to keep it.

"Doesn't her name alone ring a bell?" Hassana went on when Layla couldn't  bother to answer and from the looks of thing, she does look clueless about the person while she continued turning her tuwo.

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