Chapter Thirty Seven

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A small knock came on the door which made Jawad to quickly glanced at it without moving his head.

He didn't answered as he continued typing furiously on the keyboard in front of him knowing whomever it is will definitely enter since his secretary has giving the person a go ahead.

And not a second later, the door was swing opened as the most gentle voice echo through the entire office with a Salam.

Not for the first time, Jawad felt his breath hitched on his throat by the mare sound of her voice as he stopped what he was doing at once with his eyes slowly looking up at her.

Time seems to stood still as he took in her presence while she walked in, instantly lighten up his sour mood.

Her face contain a slight frown, with her brows frowned together in a straight line as she sat down on one of the couches, facing him directly.

And that was his cue to know that she is worried about something, and as usual, her lips are in their natural color, that's darkest shade of brown, almost black just a bit darker than the color of her eyes.

The way she tilt her head, narrowing her eyes at him was what made him realized he has been caught red handed, staring.

Jawad let out a sound smile as he relaxes back on his chair, suddenly feeling this energy that he hasn't felt in a while surging through him.

"Hey..." He mumbled lovingly,  blinking his eyes while trying to contain his smile.

Instead of her to answer, Layla let her eyes lingers on his entire being and especially his face while she tries her hardest not to look at those beautiful, sinful eyes.

Just looking at him like this, she has thousands and one feelings running through her and none of them make sense. But then, her life doesn't make sense anymore.

Moment like this she wonders what attract a perfect man like Jawad, who would have anyone he ever wants to bend to his will if he ever wishes, but he choice her.

For her, whatever she feels she knew it wasn't instant, it grows slowly, from been Abdulazeez friend to being her friend, to someone she could talk to, confined in, depend on and well to whatever they have now.

For him, now that her brain recall the first few times they met, he has always looked at her this way, with love and longing.

Is just that then, she couldn't explain it and doesn't really care, but now she understood it and it bothers her.

Which is why she is trying her best to stay away especially after the twins wedding but the more she wants to, the more she finds herself drawn back to him, with something pulling her towards him like magnet.

Now more often than not she found her thoughts solely on him. She has to force herself and indulge herself with much Zikr and remembrance of her Rabb just to avoid thinking of him

Layla removed her eyes from him then took a deep breath, wanting to get whatever this is over with.

"I heard you wanted to see me." She murmured her eyes fixed on her handbag in front of her.

A small, humorous chuckles escaped Jawad mouth as he felt his heart instantly hurt. He hate it when she act nonchalant with him.

He wants her to look at him like he matters, he wants her eyes to rise in anticipation just like they do whenever Abdulazeez is in the vicinity.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked in all seriousness trailing his eyes back on her.

Just like she didn't beat around the bush he didn't either, and that earned him a chuckled from her as she look down at her perfectly manicured fingers, feeling warmth spreading through her entire being.

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