Chapter Thirty Six

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"What sort of insanity is this?" Adda Fatima, their first by born literally yelled over their heads.

Nabila closed her eyes in extreme regret and annoyance. Instantly regretting why she confided in Saudat, her immediate.

Not that she wasn't aware of her big mouth. But she did begged her not to tell anyone about her worries.

"Come on Adda Fati..." She started in a soft voice fixing her eyes on her sister. "You're blowing this out of proportion."

"You mad? Is your head not correct?" She demanded gesturing with her hands towards Nabila's head before she let out an annoying scoffed. This time Nabila tilted her head frustratedly and glare at the person that put her in this position.

"Come on drop it. You're embarrassing me." She mumbled defeat as she got up from her place.

"I don't think you know the meaning of the word embarrass cause if you do, you will not cling to a guy that looks you in the eye and told you he is not interested in you."

Fatima blurted out carelessly and that stopped Nabila dead on her track whom was heading for the door to avoid all this.

"That's not what he said" She defended almost instantly at the verge of tears already. Yup. That's who she is, small yelling and you will find her crying profouncely.

"Sounds a lot like that to me plus didn't you hear it when Zayd said he saw him hugging someone at the dinner?"

This time, it was Saudat that mumbled out, in support of their big sister and that earned her deadly glare from Nabila.

"It could be his sister..." She defended yet again, this time avoiding all their eyes as she turned to the door.

Adda Fatima scoffed pathetically looking at their love struck sister. "Or the person he is in love with" Again she let out without thinking twice about it.

And that moment, Nabila felt her whole world come crashing in front of her not able to bring herself to defend him anymore, knowing that once she open her mouth, it will be the sound of her cries that will come out.

For crying out, why can't they support her love for once. They knew that she has always had her eyes on Jawad ever since they're little, living in the barrack.

"Enough Fatima..." A stern voice rang from the door which made all of them to turned to it and found a very livid Mama standing by it.

"Your Uncle has already spoken to his Father and everything is good..." She informed in a stern voice walking inside the room.

"So as far as I am concerned, this issue is settled. Nabila and Jawad will be getting married sooner than you think." She deadpan

"So you're defending this so call relationship too Mama." Adda Fati just couldn't find it in her to keep quiet cause damn, something just doesn't feel right in all this.

Nabila took a deep breath turning to face her sisters, determine to have it all with them.

"Just because you're married to man who is head over heed in love with you, doesn't have to be the same with everyone." She pointed out confidently having their mother next to her.

"But it should be..." Adda Fatima still went on and contradict. "You marry for love not for..."

"You have said enough Fatima. If you're here just to put doubt on Nabila's relationship then leave. We don't need you here." Hajiya Aisha's voice was full on warning as she gave her eldest a deadly glare.

And when Fatima only looked down, mumbling some incoherent words to herself, it made Mama more livid as she went on with.

"This is my house, your Father's house is in Abuja you can go and stay here for all I care. But you cannot come here and start shouting over your sister on something that is not your business."

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