Chapter Fourty Four

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The days blur by quickly and surprisingly without any offsetting word from anyone. Not from her Mother or siblings and certainty not from Abdul's family either. Including Ammi herself.

The sim Jawad got her was her old one, he welcome it back so everything is the same, she speak to people as she normally does and no one suspect a thing.

But she couldn't care about it cause she is too busy celebrating her freedom to give a shit.

With each day, the thought of her being a divorcee, free from Abdul made her celebrate by prostrating to her Rabb and thanking him with immense happiness and gratitude

Even though she has hoped for it for a long time now, she has never see it coming especially after that stunt Umma pulled and knowing how self centered Abdul is.

Her relationship with Jawad couldn't be more perfect. Although he doesn't sleep in the house, just that first time when she insisted, but he always stopped by to check on her. Mornings and evenings.

On top of everything, he took a leave of absence for her, saying she need to organize herself first before taking her next step.

"Layla..." A very familiar voice called as soon as she walked into the coffee shop which made Layla to turn to the sources of the voice.

Layla's face immediately widen with a smile as she rose her hand, waving at them before she approaches the table where her siblings are seated.

Aaliya too came for a quick visit and the two will be going back to their prospectives houses the next day.

They did stopped by her house, correction, Abdul house now. Few times and she always find her way around by lying that she is at work or some unending family functions of the AAA's

"How is the renovations going....?" Aaliya asked analysis Layla thoroughly, unlike Humaira whom is not a bit suspicious about Layla.

"Hectic..." It came out so easy now, maybe is because she got use telling white lies, now she find it so easy to blurt out any lie she wishes without battling an eye.

"Your house is as good as new. What exactly are you guys renovating?" Aaliya didn't hide her curiosity and contemplation.

"I wonder too..." Humaira supported nonchalantly.

Layla's grin widen as she plays with her straw. She knew what Aaliya is doing and she will be damn slip her something.

"You know just a few things..." She shrugged taking the straw to her mouth. "Here and there..." She added calmly.

"Then why the need to leave the house...?" Not convince by her sister, Aaliya pressed further.

Layla let out a sound chuckle then looked down at her drink and said. "He wanted us to...who am I do say no..."

"Am just glad you looked happy, happier than you've ever be in a while." Humaira cut out their debate, letting them know of her genuine thoughts which ended up in an awkward silence.

But Layla was quick to react, smiling from ear to ear cause she is happy with the divorce and Jawad, she couldn't be happier. Just that, not the kind of happiness they're all hoping for her.

"Tell me more about that soldier of the guy?" Aaliya was quick to break the awkward silence that settled in. Deciding Layla is not hiding anything.

"How in the hell are you sure he is the guy from then? I mean, didn't you loose the acct or something." She added curiously.

"I did..." Layla admitted tilting her head. "He has always known, it is I..." She trail pointing at herself then looked down, wanting to put the words the best she could to avoid any suspicious from her siblings.

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