Chapter Twenty Four

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As soon as the cold water hit him hard on his head, Jawad inhaled deeply with his eyes closed, both his hands placed on the glass wall of the shower stall.

It took him almost 10mins before he felt his breath getting back to normal, turning off the tab, he walked out of the shower grabbing a white towel on his way before exiting the bathroom.

Heading to his wardrobe directly, he throw open one side where his shirts are neatly arranged all the while using the towel to clean the remnants of water from his head and shoulders.

Thank God he had some clothes moved here before Layla started coming cause when she did, he kinda gave up on the house but he didn't move his things out.

Jawad throw the towel on his bed then went ahead and removed his top, opting for a long sleeve shirt, he throw it over his shoulders then work on the bottons.

What just happened still irk him, but he forced himself to calm down. After all, is Layla. He can't be angry at her.

It was just a hit of the moment that ended up escalating like this, part of him is glad that they both poured their hearts out and for the first time, he believed he has a chance with her cause you cannot get angry at a guy just for nothing.

Picking up his perfume by Tom Ford, the spray some then dropped the bottle before he exited the room happier than he came in.

Layla inhaled sharply by the movement she heard on the door and no one need to tell her who that is since is only the two of them in the house.

She moved nervously on the chair trying hard to act cool while pretending her whole attention is on the folder in her hands which she has being holding for more than 5mins while forcing her concentration on it.

Looking through her peripheral vision as he walk up to her, she sighed while blinking her eyes tiredly. This was a bad idea. A voice rang inside her head while she pretend to be okay cause in reality she is nothing close to being Okay.

"How was it..." He asked casually as he stride in with a bottle of water then sat on the chair he got up from.

"Nerouscience..." Layla mumbled after composing herself. "Is interesting..." She added raising her head while putting up the bravest face she could mustard cause she will be damn to let him know what just happened affected her in anyway.

"Whataabout it..." She asked confidently dropping the folder in front of her on the center table.

"The department recieved an invitation to the annual chemical seminar, which is coming in 6 weeks and that's is the topic..." Jawad started nonchalantly.

"Every school is to present and the best one will be chosen. If the person is interested in clinical chemistry, the person get to work with them in their research lab in any county in the world and we're working hard to see that they established one here in Nigeria..."  He trailed off with a nod.

"And hopefully at Al Noor so if anyone nail this, the person could be the one to run the lab..." Jawad concluded in a soft voice.

Layla press her lips together while nodding her head.
"Very interesting..." She murmured getting comfortable now with their current topic of discussion. "Obviously hard but is the least they could do..."

A brief silence took over the place with Layla now looking through the material cause when he told her what is it for, it prink her interest.

Jawad sat there quietly with his legs crossed and his hand playing with the small beard he has manage to gather while watching her every move with thousands things running through his mind.

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