Chapter Twenty Two

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The door was thrown open as both of them try to create as much distance as possible between them while composing themselves.

"Jawad..." The soft, calm voice called yet again as she step inside fully, her eyes directly going to where she is expecting him to be.

"I have called..." Mommy started when she ended up swallowing the rest of her words when her eyes made contact with a very guilty looking Layla whom couldn't be more grateful by her choice of clothe today if not.

Well... let's not think of the worst case scenario.

"Layla?" Mommy called voice full of surprise and suspicious as her eyes scan the room yet again where she found her son standing by the window holding a book.

"Mommy..." Jawad doing his best to look clueless while turning to her directly from here he stood, He knew Mommy and her sixth sense.

The woman can easily find out what is going on here.

"I thought we're meeting at home." He added beemily still standing by couch next to the bookshelf but instead of Mommy to respond to his question.

She transferred her gaze with that same smile plastered on her face, fixing her growing suspicious eyes on Layla.

"Ina wuni Mommy..." Layla greeted with the most polite smile on her face as she lean in for a hug.

Mommy hugged her back but not before she throw a glare Jawad's way whom ended up closing his eyes in relief.

They broke the hug then went on to exchange some more plasentaries with the two asking about each other's family

Layla glanced Jawad's way nervously and murmured. "I will leave you two."

Jawad also offered her a polite smile with his hands in his pocket while Mommy watched the interaction with keen interest.

Layla walked to his table where her handbag is kept. She picked it trying hard to hide her trembling hands. Deep down, she knew that Mommy will definitely suspect something cause both of them look flustered.

Without looking at Mommy, she walked passed her to the door, too aware of Mommy's piercing gaze on her every move.

As soon as the door closes behind Layla, Mommy swiftly turn her gaze to her son.

"What was that?" She asked sternly as a deep scowl form on her face.

"Uhm..." Jawad hums pretending to be clueless while walking up to her.

"You know perfectly well what I mean..." Mommy trail taking a stand in front of her child. "What is Layla going in your office with your door closed?" She snapped not a hint of play in her voice.

"The last time I checked she is a staff here and am the Director." Jawad replied ever so calmly.

"Jawad..." Mommy called and he didn't miss the warning that came with her voice. "Do not...make me repeated my question..."

From his inside, Jawad felt it stir while he inhaled sharply trying hard to compose himself knowing one small mistake and Mommy will definitely realize what is going on.

"Come on Mommy stop using that eyes on me." Instead of arguing with her or denying anything, he chose reverse psychology.

Whining like a small child, hoping it makes her feel guilty of questioning them.

"Then tell me the truth?" She demanded not falling fer his tactics.

Her voice as authoritative as ever which made Jawad to sigh knowing she is not falling for his lies.

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