Chapter Six

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Layla stopped staring awe struck by the beautifully decorated compound which looks extravagant with her mouth hang open.

Now that she came to the actual house, she remembered coming with AbdulAzeez when they where newlyweds.

And she remembered him vividly telling her that the woman of the house is not around, that they're friends of both Ammi and Abba so they have come and great.

It is giant compound but is almost filled up with chairs and people, the empty space is countable as she move around holding her daughters hand while waving and smiling at the few people she recognize on her way.

"Hadn't been I missed this I would have hunt you in your dreams for the rest of my life." Humaira whom is walking next to her mumbles reminding Layla of her existence.

Layla just smiled without saying anything to her sister while she continue on her way where she caught the glimpse of his siblings.

"Matar Yaya..." A friendly voice called which made Layla's face immediately widen with a smile.

"Salima." Layla said having aside huge with the woman whom seems like her age mate. "I didn't know that you're here."

"Ahh...!" The Salima whom is their AbdulAzeez last born carried. "I missed the discharged ceremony if I missed this too, trust me I wouldn't hear the end of it."

"My favorite niece..." Salima said picking Miemie on her arm. "She has grown tall and more pretty since the last time I saw her"

"While turning exactly into her Father..." Humaira chip in sarcastically.

And Salima almost understood that as she held her breath her eyes on Humaira which made Layla to laugh sending a glare her way while she also join on the laughter and so did Salima.

"Is she the one in Abuja?" Salima asked nicely after Layla introduced them.

"Yeah." Humaira reply calmly. "Kubwa to be precise you?"

"Games village." Salima reply extending her hand for a shake which Humaira gladly took. "Why don't I have your number. I think I just found another family..." She added heartily.

And that was Layla's cue to leave the two to themselves. Salima is one of the nicest family of Abdul followed by the twins.

Although she is kind of closer to Salima and that maybe because they're age mate, they understand each other more.

She and the twins always try to make her feel at home and be apart of the family from her marriage until today which she appreciates so much.

After going around, greeting the few people she knew plus being introduced to bunch of new people mostly by their Ammi's table.

Layla took her way back where she left her sister and this time around the twins has join the table which made the whole thing more lively.

Except with the presence of one person, Nadiya, Abdulrahman's wife and her silent co-wife since day one.

Nadiya is their cousin through their Father's side, so she made sure she always flaunt at Layla's face that she is family and not to forget about the rich side.

"Layla..." Hussaina called sighting Layla who is dragging the chair by her sisters side.

"So glad you make it." She continue happy as Nadia send her an over the top look which made Layla to offer her a slight smile.

"Nadiya is being a while." She mumbles cause between them, there has never being normal greeting.

"Yeah it has." She reply proudly raising her hand definitely to revealed the new sparkly stone on her finger.

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