Chapter Eleven

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Jawad lay down on his back with his eyes shut and his hand rested on his forehead.

Azeez begged him to go to Kano with him, with the rest of their friends since they're having a dinner there but he simply couldn't.

No, he just doesn't want to. Something about it doesn't sit right with him. He is team Layla and he has made that very clear to Azeez.

But right now, laying down on his bed, having his mind in jeopardy made him think otherwise. Maybe if he had gone with them, he would have long forgotten about what happened earlier which is printed vividly on his mind.

When Layla was done crying, she simply let go telling him that she is sorry and he doesn't have to bother about taking her home cause she came with her sisters.

She also apologize about his white kaftan which was smeared with her make up before she turn leaving him alone, too stunned to react.

He ran after her but couldn't find her and he called her phone countless times, still did after he came back home but it was switched off.

The soft knock that came on his door is what made him remove his hand from his forehead his eyes automatically going to the wall clock.

Is pass 9 o'clock at night before he can react to that, the door was swing open which made him sigh knowing the only person who can do that is Mommy.

"You're still awake?" Came her carefree voice as she stride into the room.

Jawad gave her a once over look as she settle herself on the sofa, adjacent to the bed. She is in her pyjamas obviously ready for bed.

Even at the old age 53, Mommy looks younger than all her mates. She is a graduate of mass communication but she has never work in her life. Her full time job is housewife and obviously, a socialite.

Ever since he can remembered, Mommy has always being the leader of the wives of his father's friend since they lived in the barracks until he retired.

And even after then, her social skills just got better, she is still the queen amongst them even due he has two other wives.

"Don't you feel jealous of AbdulAzeez.." her teasing voice rang through his throughs which made him to look at her slightly.

"He got married for the second time today and am not even sure if you have a girlfriend."

Her voice came out straight with her curious eyes set on him which made Jawad to sigh softly sitting straight on the bed.

"Rather than jealousy..." He started sincerely. "I feel more sympathy for Layla..." He blurt out without even realizing.

"Poor thing..." Mommy trail her own composure changing as she relaxes back on the sofa.

"She is decked from head to toes but one look at her will tell you just how disturbed she is. Her whole body is trembling throughout the event."

Jawad shook his head not even wanting to remember the state she was in. He really wants to know how she is doing but she isn't picking her calls.

"Do you know how she is doing?" He couldn't help than ask, fixing does black eyes that looks like thunderstorm on her.

Mommy tilt her head a bit concerned about the situation but she quickly brush it off thinking maybe he is simply worried about her since she is Abdul's wife and also he spends most of his time at their place. Beside, the girl seems nice and gente.

"How in the hell am I supposed to know that?" Mommy asked her son wondering what is going on in his mind.

Jawad sighed nodding his head in agreement as he slumps back to the bed. Mommy is definitely one person that he shouldn't have asked that question from.

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