Chapter Twenty

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"Ina wuni..." The woman mumbles as she help her 6 year old daughter settle beside her.

Layla's face widen with a bright smile while she respond with a simply "lafiya."

The watched as the girl who is poorly dressed just as her mother, sat next to her playing with her yellow slipper.

Layla chuckle softy with her whole attention going back to her side view watching through the transplant window.

The tress and shrubs stood tall in their glory, looking more fresh and greener. The midsummer sun kissing them from above creating this beautiful, peaceful serenity.

As soon as they're settle in, they started moving again, this time faster than before.

"You should wear your shoe." The guy seated on the passenger seat commented his eyes obviously on the girl's cut sleeper.

"Just yesterday your shoe was repaired..I can't believe you mange to spoil it again." The mother's scolding voice interrupts Layla's through.

"Children are normally like that..." The same man seated on the front defended the little girl at the same time Layla turn to them.

"She is just so playful and stubborn, she is a lost cause. I seriously don't know what to do about her." She continue quite displeased at her daughter.

Layla fix her eyes on the girl whom seem like this is her least of concerns. Annalysi her carefully, she isn't just poorly dressed, she looks so dirty too. Not just her clothe, her body too.

And her slippers, both cut at the middle and the girl has skillfully just a yellow and black nylon to attached it to the back, making it wearable.

Layla giggle softly, looking at the girl simply brought back her own childhood memories which made her to laugh now.

"What is her name?" She asked calmly looking at the mother.

"Layla...?" The mother said a bit embarrassed looking at Layla thoroughly.

"Layla..." Layla repeated the name with a raise brow. She chuckles again tilting her head to the other direction before she look back at the girl and said. "My name is also Layla."

The mother look on clearly amaze with the girl also staring at her with clear admiration.

They both watch as the little girl turn to her mother happily then whispers. "Umma she has my name, she has my name, she has my name." The girl repeated excitedly.

Layla chuckles softly while the woman hold her child closer, smiling nervously.

"We're namesake" Layla said giving the girl a ressuring smile. "Here..." She went on, her hand going through her handbag.

"Have this." She continue extending her hand to the girl which contain a bueno chocolate.

The girl hesitate, looking at her mother before her gaze slowly transfer to Layla while she reluctantly extend her hand and collect it.

"Thank you." She said excitedly her whole attention now on the round thing.

Layla nod her head while the woman shared a gentle smile with her then murmured another "thank you" to Layla

And that's how their journey continues with Layla and the mother having small talks everynow and then.


Layla lay in bed staring right at the ceiling above. She has million and one thing running through her mind which maybe the reason she kept tossing and turning on the bed.

Turning to her side, her aunt is fast asleep, snoring even, on the single bed beside the 6 by 7 she is currently lying on.

When she was a child, this very house, room use to the personal hell she and her siblings couldn't wait to get out from, but she can't believe that she is seeking solace from it today.

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