Chapter Nine

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The afternoon was a hot one, giving that the sun has been up on the sky shinning brightly while gracing the people with it's hotness.

Around this time of the afternoon, most people are staying under the shade waiting for the sun to cool down a little before they go about their daily business.

As for Layla, nothing can describe the hotness and heaviness she feels on her chest and is increasing with each passing seconds and her tears, ohhh well.

Her tears no longer come out. For the first time she is coming to term with the saying. "Your tears will finished."  Something that her sisters use to joke around with when they where little. At this point, she believed her tears has finished for real.

The chemistry she studied and hold master's in, do not longer make sense, cause no matter how much she wants to cry, how much she wished to, how much she force herself to cry, the tears still wouldn't come.

And so all she does is stares at her mother and brother when they're consoling her. As for her sisters, she switched off her phone and whenever they requested that she talks to them, she will brush it off and hang up the phone.

And finally today Baba Musa came, the last living male elder in their family and her wali.

After so much nasiha and pettalk, he concluded that she has to go back to to her husband house. In his words, AbdulAzeez has regretted what he did and is so remorseful about it.

That He, and his family have apologized saying they could have handled the situation better, and definitely wouldn't have let her leave her house hadn't been they knew.

"Layla are you even listening?" It was Umma's voice that rang inside her head which made her to sigh tiredly relaxing back on the sofa and instantly Umma got hold of her legs.

Which made Layla to sighed in frustration. Again. Yes, Umma is forcing her to a godforsaken henna after the godforsaken complete body spa.

Why? Because she is going back to Abdul's house this evening. Yeah, that's what everyone decided and what she wants or though apparently doesn't matter.

With Umma's never ending pettalks on top. So Yeah! She is completely exhausted with everything and at this point, she wouldn't mind going back to her house cause she will get one thing at least which is peace.

"AbdulAzeez is asking of you." Shuraim's voice who just strode into the room rang inside her head which made Layla to shot him a glare as he extend the phone to her.

And for the first time, Layla was glad that she doesn't have hand cause they're all inside a nylon because of her henna which she gladly rose to his face.

"I can..." Shuraim started when she quickly cut him with "I can't talk..."

Her voice serious and by the look of it, he knew even if he where to put the phone on her ears she certainly would not talk which made him to simply turn and leave the room.

Layla roll her eyes, her head slump on the headboard when Umma's voice cut her with.

"You have to talk to him at something point you know." Her voice is soft which Layla realize is her way of wanting her to go back without a fight.

But since she has sat down through that so called spa and now for the henna, she thought is enough for Umma to know that she is not protesting.

Can she even do that when no one back her? Literally. Everyone kept saying he is entitled to 3 more not even one and telling her how much of a good husband he is.

Like she said, her emotions doesn't matter at all to anyone and all they care about is the flashy things that she possessed which she has gotten through Abdul.

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