Chapter Twenty Eight

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A round of applause with a bit of whispers from here and there took over the hall while Layla look on shyly also clapping cause she found the situation rather awkward.

The people sitted by her sides and her opposite all turned and congratulated her even though some of them couldn't hide the irritated look on their faces.

After the claps died down, Layla looked on under her lashes to the person sited far across from her, on the head on the table.

This is the first time they're meeting ever since Lagos. Although she could swear when she entered, she felt his burning gaze on her but whenever she turned, she found him looking at another direction.

Layla smiled at the person looking at her from across the table before she looked down at the folder in front of her and after another long discussion about the department.

It came to an end when Jawad reveal that Prof Iliya will be in charge from now on, on her issues so everything is to be discussed between them and the final say should be reported to him.

Layla sat there like a statue as his words pierce through her while she fixed her unbelievable gaze without even concealing it, on him.

And even then, Jawad did his best to avoid her gaze while he continued talking completely ignoring her eyes on him.

When they where done with the meeting, they all proceeded to the next hall where a small celebration was organized in their favor.

Layla stood somewhere far from the people and not because she wants to, but because she has a lot of things going through her mind.

Beside, 50% of her colleagues, think that she has gotten this through her connection with the school and to make it worst they're not even trying to hide how much they hate her.

Which is why she decided they're least of her problems since deep down she knew they're all jealous of her thinking that she have it all.

Her gaze is directly fixed on the person standing ahead talking, gisting and even laughing every now and then and it only made Layla's heart squeeze painfully on her chest as she watched the interaction with 9000 things going through her mind.

Is obvious, she decided tilting her head as her finger hold on to her bottle firmly. He is avoiding her. She can see avoidance from miles away cause is what her husband is best at and Jawad is not even hiding it away.

Ever since they entered the hall although, she was far behind, she saw when he picked a can Schweppes while looking around and as soon as she sighted her, he busied himself by taking to another lecturer.

And it has continued for more than 30mins now, Jawad that doesn't like socialize with the lectures unless his work call for it, is here busily engaging himself with small talks with them.

And especially the female whom all couldn't help than grin like fools in front of him while refusing to let him be.

"Here is our winner..." A voice whispers from beside Layla which made her to glanced that way and immediately her face widen with a smile.

"Dr Hamid..." Layla grumbled awkwardly while turning to face him. Another one of the lecturer in the department whom she interact with although she avoid him 90% of the time cause the guy clearly showed his interest on her.

"Wowww...Even your vibe is different." He added playfully which earned him a chuckled from Layla while she unintensionally glanced Jawad's way yet again.

And for the first time today, she almost caught him eyes which he was quick to divert as he stepped away from where he stood intentionally calling someone's attention.

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