Chapter Thirty

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It has been four days now after her chat with Haj Sarah, her inlaw but in those for days she has being more confused and anxious than she was when Layla was single.

She attempted talking to Layla but whenever she called her, she will lose her voice simultaneously which left her with no choice than to speak with her siblings.

But Aaliya and Humaira proof to be even less helpful than Shuraim. At least Shuraim told her to call both Abdulazeez and Layla and speak to them together, while Aaliya and Humaira just said whatever Layla decided they will be with her.

To her greatest surprised, Yesterday morning Abdulazeez showed up with a car fill to the brim with all sort of foodstuffs and other useful things, some she doesn't even know what they're for.

And after exchanging some pleasantries and talking about nothing in particular, he brought up the issue not even shy to tell her how much he loves and appreciate her daughter's presence in his life and he can't imagine living without her.

By the time he left, both of them got so sentimental to the extend that they shade a few tears after bringing Miemie up and how much they all missed her.

Umma ended up with her whole mind in joarpady especially after she called Layla whom sounded chippy while telling her she is at work and will be having a class soon.

So she did the only thing she could do that's after keeping all the things he brought where they're supposed to and removing the ones she is going to give out to her own family.

"This time around you have to go back with Ihsan...." A voice finally broke through Umma's disturbing thoughts which made her to force a smile as she turn to her niece.

"She has being begging me about going to Ya Layla's house for vacation." Mardiya, the mother of the child continued which made Umma to turn to the Ihsan they're talking about.

Ihsan, a girl of 10-11 is a grand daughter to her older sister making Mardiya cousin to Layla. She is currently at their place in Zaria which she has being since yesterday.

"What about school..." Umma trail as she clear her throat trying to find a way to wiggle out of this one. Her family have always been fond of Layla, at least they have, ever since she married a rich guy.

And well because Layla is the only one that goes out of her way to help anyone in need even when she doesn't have enough, talkless of now that she has everything.

"Thay have closed school already..." It was her sister that responded to the question which made Umma to glanced her way while she sat on the edge of their worned out bed which Umma gave to them some years back after Layla renovated room place for her.

Umma found herself nodding her head cause truth be told, she can't even think of a good escuse to give now, all she knew is that she is not going anywhere with Ihsan.

"Mama we will be leaving now..." Mardiya said looking at her mother as she got on her feet.

"So soon..." Mama said looking at Mardiya before her gaze reaches Ihsan. "This one could not contain her joy hearing that she will be visiting Layla."

At her word, Ihsan's face further widen with a grin as she looked down shyly.

"Am sure she cannot wait to tell her siblings." Mardiya added also looking at her daughter before she turned to her parents and bide them goodbyes.

As soon as Mardiya stepped out of the room, Mama turned to Umma, without even bothering to act dumbfounded. "What is going on Rukayya. You have being acting like you're forced to come here ever since you arrived yesterday."

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