Chapter Ten

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"I really don't understand rich people's way of saying you're not welcome." Aaliya blurt out with a snort holding her six months old baby on her chest.

"I wouldn't say that I told you so." Humaira mumbles sarcastically resting her hand on her stomach while Layla sighed in frustration.

Who said having sisters are blessing again? Her sisters both arrived two days ago to help her cope with the situation but more importantly than helping her, they have being a pain in her ass.

"You know at this point if the two of you go and hug the bride I wouldn't be surprised." Layla mumbles tiredly.

Just coming to her in-laws house while pretending to be all cool about this with a picture perfect smile on her face is enough to make her lose the control she has being trying had to hold on too.

If this is all left to her, she wouldn't mind staying at her place and alone than being miserable here while pretending everything is okay.

And the worst part of it is the fact that everyone knows that she is not okay and will not be okay seeing the new bride but she is forced to stay through the torture just like any other woman getting a co wife.

"Aunty Layla Ammi said you guys should come out now?" It was Hassana peeking her head inside the room, her and Hussaina's room which Layla are currently occupying.

"She...she is here..." Hassana added a bit hesitant as she let go of the door.

Layla immediately felt her breath hitch on her throat as she look at her sisters while murmuring each Dua that comes to her lip which is what she has being doing since morning.

"Is alright..." Humaira cheered her voice lace with sympathy for her sister as Aaliya wrapped her hands around Layla's fold once.

"Is going to be alright. You're going to be alright." She consoled nodding head her which made Layla to force a smile also nodding her head slowly.

Well, rather than being here all alone, is better having them around even though they can't help than criticize her to sometimes.

They both gave her a side hug since she was sitted at the middle before she got up and went to do some last minutes touch up and that including changing her clothes.

Not that what she came in is any less but since they have being here since morning, a change of clothes wouldn't hurt now would it?


At last, AbdulAzeez bride, Umaima is convey and as expected since the family are also old money, she was brought in with their own sort of extravaganza and never ending entourage.

Through all the agonizing moment, Layla force a smile on her face standing next to Ammi who definitely force her to, while the bride and her entourage go around for introduction.

Layla was glad her sisters collected her handbag cause if she where to hold anything, everyone will easily see how shaken and how her body is  trembling.

But she still forced a smile and went through it as she watch the girl, Abdul's second wife, her co wife now, with her head down going around to great most of the senior members of the family while she sat next to her mother in law as far her command.

But instead of her to feel better, Layla feel more shitty. Maybe if Ammi had let her go and she stayed with her sisters it would have being better but she understands her intention.

A bit through the introduction Abdul also arrived with his friends as they laugh their way through the crowd, joking around with most the their family members.

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