Chapter Five

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A soft knock came on the door which made Layla to raise her head to it at the same time the door was thrown open.

Abdul peek his head inside and they hold gaze for a moment but Layla was quick to break it taking it back to the Qur'an she is reciting.

Abdul walk in then push the door and close it behind him before he headed to the bed where Miemie is lying down already sleeping.

He sat down next to her after adjusting her with his gaze going to Layla whom is reciting her Qur'an without bothering to even look at his side.

A smile grace his lip as he fixed his gaze on her. Just hearing her voice reciting Suratul Hajj made him felt this peace that he haven't felt in a while.

Layla has a sweet voice, soft and calm which comes with confidence, she is a woman of few words but whenever she speaks, you most listen, you have to, cause only intelligent conversation comes out of her lips.

She is the type of person that makes you think hours after the conversation has ended.

Few of the things that first attracted him to her. Her voice and her face. Layla is a beauty, a true definitely of beauty. A boomshell at her best.

The kind that captivate you to her with one look and when she laughs, her laughs are like melody to the person listening and if not careful, you stay the whole time looking at her forgetting your reason.

Which is the reason why he was so insecure when they met cause he believed with her beauty and how regal she is, she most have men in lines kissing her feet.

He only believed she never really dated anyone when they became serious. At 23 then, she wasn't shy of talking to guys or anything, they where just least of her concern.

Abdul chuckles softly. A bubbly chuckles which earn him a glance from Layla before she clear her voice and continue with her recitation.

How times flies. He thought fixing his gaze back on her, he can't believe is 6 years already. When he met her and after they got married he honestly thought he will never fall in love again.

Cause Layla was everything and is everything that a man will ever need or want from a woman. But things changes, along the way they grow apart especially after the birth of Miemie.

Not that he blame her or anything, things just change out of no where although she still tries her best, is just not the same.

And he tried too on his on part, but then he realizes the person that Layla fall in love with wasn't him. When he met Layla he wanted her that he compromised everything about himself just to be with her.

After being her husband for a while, he started turning to who he really is and that's where the clash came cause to her he is becoming a new person while to him, he is marely adjusting back to who he really is.

And just because he found another girl that he wants to marry, does not means that he doesn't like her. He loves her, he still do, she will always be his Layla.

And that's what he need her to understand. He will try his best to be better and do better for her and for his new bride.

As Abdul sat reminiscing about the pass while preparing his prep talk, he didn't even realize when she stood up and do Takbir continuing her prayers which made him to lay down on the bed waiting for her.


"When is the wedding happening officially?" Humaira asked sceptical with her eyes on Layla.

They are currently seated at their room just the three of them after Layla broke the unfortunate news to them which made Aaliya utterly speechless.

"I don't know..." Layla trail with so much anguish. "I don't even want to know." She admitted truthfully.

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