Chapter Nineteen

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"What are you doing here?" Jawad asked flatly his face showing just how shocked he is by his friend presence whom he assumed was out of town already.

Abdulazeez whom was leaning against the door take in the appearance of his friend. He had is working out clothe which is followed by a hoodie on top.

"Where the hell have you being?" Rather than answering his question he throw him his own question annoyingly as he approached Jawad.

Jawad didn't respond to that as he jug the few more step to the front door while removing his hoodie, followed by his two airpods before he inserted the key on the door.

"Where are you coming back from this early?" Abdul couldn't help but asked after looking at his friend thoroughly. From all indication, he is just coming back from running or the gym but he doubt that since Jawad have a personal gym in the house.

"And what are you doing here this early?" Jawad mumbles as he step in glancing at his iwatch and he wasn't wrong is just some minutes pass 7.

Abdul just walk passed him while Jawad closed the door before he also follow his friend suit whom sat down on the couch with his phone in his hand.

Jawad went to the dinning area first picking two bottles of water from the fridge before he came back and handled one to Abdul whom just shook his head without uttering a word.

Jawad dropped one bottle on the side stool as he sat on the handle of the couch before he uncapped the other one and drain more than half of the contain.

"What is going on with you?" Abdul asked as soon as he was finished which made Jawad to feel his throat instantly dried up.

And for the first time he felt something that resemble guilt deep at the pit of his stomach. How can he look at Azeez in the eye after what he has done.

"No... nothing..." He shutters swallowing a huge lump down his throat before he went ahead and drank the rest of the water.

"I have being in town for a week now and I wasn't able to get hold of you..." Abdul complain freely. "Or is it some chick that is keeping you all to herself." He teased.

A small scoffed escaped Jawad's lips, still looking far ahead. How he wished is someone that is making him run mad and not Layla.

"I wish..." He admitted truthfully only Abdul didn't take the worries he sees on his friend serious.

"Are you still attending countless march make?" He continued nonchalantly his eyes on his phone.

And Jawad uses this chance to give his friend a good look, analysis him. He honestly seems happy, freely and generally just perfect.

A man who is very happy with everything in his live. Well financial stability has never being the issue an their life.

"Am ordering something for breakfast..." Jawad trail as he stood up from the handle of the couch. "Do you want anything?"

"Don't bother..." Abdul murmured his whole attention on his phone. "Layla is preparing breakfast."

Jawad felt a cold shiver ran down his spine by the mention of her name which made him to look down at the tiled floor. He doubt she will be happy if she knew who will be eating the food she cooks.

"You have a perfectly fine wife who will cook breakfast for you why are here...?" He blurt out hashly in hope that Azeez take that the cue and leave.

"I missed you..." Abdul replied mischievously raising his eyes to Jawad's face.

"I wanted to see you. Beside is also time you get yourself a perfectly fine wife who will cook breakfast you." He added with a hint of seriousness in his voice.

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