Chapter Three

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"Key..key..key..." Layla kept on murmuring pacing around her palor.

She can't remember where she kept it when she dropped Miemie to school this morning and now she is running out of time.

She could have used Abdul's too, since he have them in collection like some toys but they have this unspoken rule of never using each others car

She stood still taking a deep breath as she try to recollect her memories from the morning.

And not up to a minute she darts to Abdul's parlor where she entered when she came back.

Even there, she end up searching everywhere but still her key is not in sight.

Her phone started ringing from her hand which made her to quickly answer it and place it on her ear.

"I can't find my car key..." The first thing she literally said after answering it. She waited for a bit placing her hand on her chest because of her uneven breath then nod her head while swallowing a lump.

"Got it..." She mumbles cutting the call while rushing to the dinning area.

Layla picked a cup and got water from the dispenser, gulping it in one go before she drop the glass cup with her hand still on her chest trying to control her uneven breathing.

That's when her gaze caught a glimpse of something from the transplant table, down on the carpeted floor.

"My key..." She said as she literally jump slumping next to it, she merely stood up before she dash to her parlor where she left her bag and veil before she rushed to the door, making sure she switch off the electronics on her way out.

Layla stop dead on her track by the door as soon as she throw it open and made contact with a face she wasn't expecting.

He has his hand up on the air indicating that he was about to knock.

"Hi..." Jawad's face widen with a smile while he wave his hand in front of her face.

Layla tilt her head looking at him a bit suspicious. Just like the first time she saw him, there is something about his smile that doesn't sit right with her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked directly not even bothering by the pleasantries and what not.

"You seems to be in a hurry." Jawad decided not to reply her question while pointing at the bag and veil on her hand.

Layla's eyes traveled to her hand that's when she realize she isn't even covered.

"Hospital..." She reply coming out of the door as he step back clearly to let him know she not canceling her engagement.

"My sister is in labour..." She added with a polite smile while turning to lock the door.

"Sister...?" Jawad asked surprised cause Abdul told him all her sisters live at another state.

"Yeah..." Layla confirm sidestepping him to her car then put her bag on top of the car while fixing her veil on her shoulders. "My older sister." She find herself adding when he didn't say anything.

And Layla took that time to check him out. Just like the other day, he is in English wears. Black pans black top and a blazer which is also black.

Doesn't he feel the heat. Her voice rang inside her head as she stylishly look another side.

"Abdul has left for work like hours ago." She find herself saying cutting the awkward silent cause he just stood there like a statue looking at her to the point of getting uncomfortable.

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