Chapter Sixteen

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Layla waltz into the compound having a thousands and one thing running in her mind.

She has being in school since 9 today and is already pass 5 in the evening. And throughout the day, she has been on her feet, from the two lectures that she had, to the presentation which was thankfully flawless.

She only time she rested was when she stopped to pray, if not she could say she hasn't think of herself at all today.

And is kinda good in a sense cause she doesn't have to think or even worry about her personal problem.

Speaking of her problems, Abdul came back like 2days ago and haven't utter a single word or even try to defend himself against what happened and honestly, Layla couldn't be bothered cause she is simply tired.

After she had that quiet time in the garden, she doesn't know how or why but she just found herself letting go of everything.

So when she got back, she didn't bother to call him and when he got back, she didn't ask anything either.

And so it continues, they became strangers once again, sleeping on the same bed and waking up every morning without bothering to talk to each other which was their normal before he got married.

At least then, they use to talk because of Miemie whom will be involving them both in her chatters.

Layla chuckles at the memory, Miemie does that not because she understood what was going on but because she is a chatter.

She cannot just sit down quietly without talking, if she is not talking it only means one thing, she is sick or hungry.

Layla parked her car and got down, pushing the memory aside while praying for her death daughter as she headed to the front door but stopped midway through it, counting the cars currently parked on the huge compound.

Abdul has 4 cars that he uses all the times and all 4 are currently parked at the compound which only means 2 things; l: either he travelled without telling her or ll: He is back already which is odd considering the fact that Umaima is in town.

She doesn't know where she is staying nor does she care, all she knew is that she heard the two speaking over the phone on few occasions and from what he said, she gathered that she is here, more like they came back together.

And even if Umaima is not in town, he is not the one to come back from work as early as 5 in the evening.

Layla sighed as she continued on her way praying for the former cause she will hate for anything that will annoy her right now considering the fact that she had a long day and if Abdul is indeed inside, well the chance of her not getting annoyed will be slim.

Layla stopped by the door inserting her key before she turn it few times then push the door open and from the sound of the television coming from his parlor made her heart slumps to her knee.

She pushed closed the door behind her then move pass his door and headed to the hallway where she stopped by the console table to dropped her key.

Right now, right now, even his face alone will be capable of annoying her and for her to avoid that she headed directly to her room not bothering to check on him.

But luck is not on her side cause as soon as she step inside her room hanging her handbag on the hanger his not so friendly voice rang over her head.

"What the hell is your problem?" Abdul roars fixing his enraged gaze on her.

Layla took a deep breath turning to face him while removing the veil she is covering herself with not even bothering to answer his question.

"If I had told you I was going to Abuja with Umaima would you have let it slide? We both know you will create a big issue out of it." He accused his voice full of venom.

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