Chapter Twenty Three

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"I don't get the whole concept of this..." Aaliya carried walking into the room with one of her hand placed sassily on her hip.

Both Humaira and Layla glanced her way as she sat next to Humaira on the couch, with a nail cutter in her hand which indicate that she is about to cut her nails.

The whole house is buzzing with most of their family members, that's from Umma's side and Shuraim's then some family friends.

Is Shuraim's graduation day and Umma invited alot of people for the day, also which baffled the three sisters since he is celebrating his thing in school with his mates.

"Exactly what I had said earlier." Humaira chip in looking between her two sister. "Aren't we supposed to go to the school and celebrate with him?"

Layla chuckles picking up a bottle of coke which is on the bedside drawer.
"I didn't know that people still celebrate graduation?" She mumbles before she drank from it.

"That's because you have never celebrated yours..." Aaliya respond almost immediately while redirecting her eyes back to Layla.

"I still don't get why you didn't attend your MB graduation..." Humaira trail also turning to her sister. "Masters Layla. How in the hell did you miss something like that?"

"I was heavily pregnant..." Layla defended rolling her eyes.

"And in love..." Aaliya chipped in with a raise brow looking at Layla, daring her to deny it.

Layla chuckled for the second time with a soft smile playing on her lips as she look at both her sisters before her gaze slowly transferred to her toenails which are painted in black henna.

"I just have to turn in some decoment..." The voice rang inside her head as the image became crystal clear to her as if it is happening for the first time, only this time, she knew the ending.

"Why don't we just met there. I will drive myself..." She suggested trying hard not to sound desperate standing next to the dinning table as she watched him wear his shoes.

She was still in her silk baby blue sleeping dress which is somewhere around her mid thighs and as usual her hair is plaited into an all back with the tail swinging at her back cause she had it woven together.

"No Layla..." He mumbles standing straighter before he grab his laptop bag on the dinning table. "I don't want you taking the road in your condition, is not safe for you."

Layla swallow hard leaning on the wall as she watch him walk back to the hallway where the console table is, which is where they normally keep their car keys.

Seconds later, he reappeared before her mumbling only God knows what, Layla also found her voice not ready to give up, at least not yet.

"Please baby...." She interrupted him daringly. Abdul hate it when she interrupts him whenever he is talking but she need him to understand her.

This is her graduation, and not just any graduation, but her Master's. She has never attended her graduation before cause of one reason or the other, hence her ambitions to make this one a memorable one and Abdul is well aware of that.

When he didn't say anything, nor glance her way as he continued walking, she took that as her que to continue taking.

"I missed the photoshoot yesterday cause you where so busy..."

"Which is rescheduled to take place today as soon the convocation is over." Abdulazeez literally snapped clearly irritated now as he turned, both coming face to face with each other.

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