Chapter Thirty Three

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"Mommy please..." Jawad whined for the umteempth times hitting his legs on the floor like small child.

Mommy flashed him a deadly glare which would have made anyone receiving it scrabbled away but Jawad is not even quarter affected by it which made Mommy to roll her eyes then pushed the box on top of her laps to the floor.

"Are you on drugs boy?" She asked in a firm voice while waving her hands when Jawad didn't bother to answer, she continued with. "Tell me the truth, are gay. You know I will totally understand."

This time around, Jawad scoffed tiredly as he lay back on the couch not bothering to answer her yet again.

"So you're guy?" She concluded but with a questionable look and finally Jawad glanced her way before he sat straight looking down at the carpeted floor before his gaze suddenly trail to her face.

"Yess." He mumbled barely audible before he looked down yet again pretending to be as polite and regretful as he could be.

Mommy took a moment accessing her son. Deep down she knew something is wrong, which she still could not pint point what, but definitely there is.

Mommy inhaled deeply also relaxing on the couch then said. "Don't bother lying to me, between me and you, we both know you're not gay."

"Come on Mommy, you said you will not opposite whomever I decide to marry then why are you changing your words now." Jawad blurted out in desperation.

Mommy only scoffed baffled by what's going on with her kid. She has always suspected he is in love with love he thinks the family will not accept that's why she decided to talk to him that day and assured him that his happiness comes first but instead, few weeks later, he ended up surprising them more.

"Let me refresh your memory Jawad..." Mommy started ever so gracefully, her speach coming out elecon. 

"I was at the AAA's when you forcefully dragged me here, driving me yourself and do I need to tell you we met your Father here waiting because you called him?"

Jawad only ended up chewing the inside of his mouth not having a word to defend himself. Yes he did all that, because he was angry and jealous but he can't tell her that.

"You begged him..." Mommy continue  when he refused to even lift his head. "Literally forced him to go and asked for Nabila's hand the very next day.

"When I said no, your Father almost fault with me saying is because I never liked her Mother..."Mommy trail while raising her brow. "Which is true..."

"I changed my mind." Jawad blurted out suddenly while looking at her with the best puppy eyes he could form.

Mommy chuckles yet again as she sat straight. Crossing her legs before she up her folded hands on it.

"Have you forgotten who your Father is Jawad...?" She asked wanting to remind her child just how terrifying her Father is. "There is a reason people believed his heart is frozen. He value his respect and principles more than everything is this world."

"But am sure you will change his mind if you want to." Jawad mumbled nonchalantly with a shrug. Which is true, no matter how scary and terrifying his father is, he still bend his head to Mommy's whims.

"Is that why you brought me a Hermes as a bribe?" Mommy asked the obvious tilting her head in frustration.

And Jawad didn't even bother denying it as he shakes his head like and obedient puppy.

Mommy sighed yet again. This their conversation is slowly making her lose her mind. Like who doesn't want to get married at the age of 35.

"I could do that..." Mommy trailed off as she tilt her head which made Jawad to sit still hopeful but her next word ended up sinking his heart to his knee.

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