Chapter 1- Rebirth

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! Author's note & Warning !

1. This is a Man×Man story./ bl .

2. This is a story completely based on fiction. Rebirth is the main plot.

3. This story is inspired from ancient fictions. So there will be mention of emperor, empress, consort type of things.

4.The character names of this story is randomly picked from Google. Some names does exists , some name may not (Yusu). Whatever, most of names of this story has either Chinese or Indian orgin. But it doesn't relate to any Indian or Chinese story / reality.

5. This work is completely mine. And I seriously don't want see it here and there. So, no repost is allowed.

6. I am gonna use simple english for it. And chapters can be short too. You all are welcome to read but there can be typos , silly mistakes and all that untill I get the time to edit chapters.


Bai Yuzu opens his eyes after a lot of trouble. His whole body feels sore. He blinks. Then it catches his eyes, he is in his small dimly lit chamber.

He didn't die ? He looks up at the celling with teary eyes. He thought he will be gone for greater good. He will finally find peace. But why ? Why he has to survive when his emperor hasn't even sent a royal healer to mend his fever ?

Healer ? Yuzu chuckles thinly. Emperor didn't even send a maid to help mei mei. How can he survive such a fatal sickness without any medichine . A tear drop escapes from his eyes.

"Master ! You are awake !" A cheerful yet tired voice came to his ears.

Yuzu wipes his cheeks and looks at his personal maid Mei mei. But as soon as he looks at her, he freezes.

"Meimei ?"

Meimei walks towards him with somewhat hurried steps "yes master ! How are you feeling ?"

Yuzu blinks again "Your weight ?"

Yuzu looks up and down at Meimei's body. Meimei was once a chubby girl when she first came to her service.

But with days passing by, she started to lose weight. One of the reasons was low allowence of Yuzu, she couldn't eat as much as she used to do before. Another reason was , she is the only maid of Yuzu. She has to do all work from cooking to cleaning.

Meimei looks down embarrassed "I will lose weight with time, master. I know I am overweight."

Yuzu frowns "No ! I didn't mean that. How did you put on weight in just ... wait, how many days I was out ?"

"Five days, master." Meimei looks worried again "master , your father is so worried about you. He held your wrist everyday for hours."

Yuzu keeps on frowning. His father ? His father is dead. His father died years ago , because of him. When he was blamed as a scum consort for the first time for poisioning emperor's pregnant concubine, he ran to his father who was a minister of Emperor's court.

He blackmailed his father to talk to emperor. But when his father refused , he cut his wrist. After his recovery, his father actually did beg the emperor to take him back to main palace from this abandoned chamber.

Emperor asked his father to rub his nose on the ground, kiss the dust and beg for forgiveness in front of entire court. His father did it. After that his father developed heart disease, and died just after six months. His father couldn't handle the insult.

Yuzu on the other side never realised that when his father begged emperor, everybody accepted the fact that he actually did poison the pregnant concubine without any proof.

After that, even when he shouted out of his lungs that he didn't poision her , nobody trusted him.

And only two months after his father's death , he was back in this abandoned chamber with new blame.

"Master ?"

Yuzu comes out of his thought hearing a terrified voice "what happened Meimei ?"

"Why are you fisting your grip ? You wounds are yet to dry. It is opened again." Meimei points at Yuzu's wrist in panic.

"What wou....." Yuzu stops in the middle as his eyes fell on his wrist. His left wrist is covered with white bandage and the bandage is covered in blood.

"Master, calm down." Meimei speaks again "Your father , Big master said that once you woke up , he would talk with emperor for you. You will be back in main palace in seconds."

Yuzu takes a deep breath. He feels suffocated. Father ? Main palace ? How can it be possible ?

"Meimei, which year is it ?"

Meimei looks at her master in confusion "year ? 662 solar year. Why master ?"

Yuzu closed his eyes with a sharp breath. He is back in time. He is eleven years back in time. Just before his father's death. Just after his misfortune started ?

"Master?" Meimei calls again. She doesn't know why her master is behaving oddly. At first she was ready to face her master, shouting emperor's name , throwing tantrum, cursing his father and that concubine but since she came her master asked about her weight and the year ?

After a long silence Yuzu opens his eyes. A smile escapes from his lips. The pregnant concubine's smirk is still vivid in his memory. She even whistled when he re-entered main palace after his father's begging.

"M..master ? Why .. why are you smiling?"

Yuzu looks at Meimei's worried face for sometimes. Then he smiles softly "I am not going mad, Meimei. I am comming out of my madness , instead. So, my father is going to beg the emperor ?"

Meimei nods with a thin smile "not beg , he said, he will talk. Emperor loves you. Why would he let your father beg ?"

Yuzu tilts his head "oh , does he ?"

Meimei frowns.

"When my father is going to talk with emperor ?"

"Tomorrow , at court. Master."

Yuzu smiles again. Not softly this time. "Then I should be present at the court too. Wake me up , before court starts , Tomorrow."

Meimei widens her eyes "master , you mean ?"

"I will be there tomorrow."


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