Chapter 14 - nature

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Yuzu looks around the garden to get any sign of concubine Jia-li or Zixuan. He needs to find Jia-li before, she complains to Zixuan about Meimei. But there is no sign of her. Yuzu walks more deeper into the rose garden.

He hesitated a little before looking behind the bushes.What kind of trouble is this ? What will he do if he finds them in an intimate position.

Yuzu sighs. He was about to leave when he hears a voice from deeper into the garden. It's concubine Jia-li's voice. Yuzu hurriedly walks deeper.

Yuzu finds Jia-li , standing near the lotus pond. She is talking with .. her maid ? Yuzu doesn't know the other person. But he decides to stay at his place before confronting Jia-li.

Jia-li's back is towards him. And she is not wearing veil. Yuzu tiptoes a little to look at Jia-li's hair-stick. He squints his eyes to adjust with the darkness.

"It's not blossom."

Yuzu nods "yes ! It's not...." Yuzu freezes. He feels hot breath on his nape.

"What ?"

Yuzu gets goosebumps all over his body as a deep voice whispers in his ear. He turns around hurriedly hiding his nape. "Your highness."

Zixuan smirks before pulling and spinning Yuzu around so that he gains his previous position again. Yuzu's back hits Zixuan's broad chest.

Yuzu gasps.  He tries to remove his hand from Zixuan's grip.

Zixua smirks wider "I told you before .. If within three days, you don't move back to main palace , then after three days I will abduct you from your chamber and lock you in main palace on my own.

Yuzu tilts his head back to look at Zixuan. Zixuan smiles through gritted teeth "Three days end tonight. Did you forget ?"

Yuzu gives a jerk to his hand. His wrist has started to hurt because of the strong grip. "I just came here to give Jia-li her present. I will go back after I give it to her."

"You wouldn't." Zixuan retorts calmly.

"You can't stop me." Yuzu shouts a little. He wants to grab someone's attention. Someone , anyone...

Zixuan chuckles "You are saying I have put all the efforts just to let you slip ?"

Yuzu struggles more "Efforts ? What do you mean ?"

Zixuan pulls out the wooden hair-stick from Yuzu's hair. The long black hair falls on Yuzu's shoulder like dark cloud. "What made you think that a three piece hair-stick will fit concubine Jia-li who doesn't even have one third of your hair ?"

Yuzu widens his eyes. Blossom is famous not only for it's diamonds, but also for the amount of hair a human needs to use it. Even there is a rumour that except him there is nobody in Zi kingdom who can use Blossom.  "You ... You lied to me .."

Zixuan pulls Yuzu's left side of hair with one stick of blossom. Yuzu's right hand is still bend backwards in his grip. But Yuzu has stopped struggling.

"Yeah because I knew you would come today. You are like a cat, consort Yuzu. You like to territories. You love to own whether it is a person or a non living hair-stick. And doesn't matter how much you change your attitude, you can't change your nature .."

Yuzu shakes his head "I don't care. Let me go."

Zixuan ignores Yuzu's shout. He is half done with Yuzu's hair. "You do care. Otherwise you wouldn't be here."

"Let me go. I was just here to save Meimei. Not because of any hair-stick." Yuzu shouts louder. He is in the verge of tears.

"Your servant who almost made concubine Jia-li rip her vail. Why is that Consort Yuzu ?"

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