chapter 13- The blossom

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(yuzu's hair-stick : The blossom)

Meimei looks at the gloom face of her master for the ninth time. Her master looked sad since his highness has left his chamber. She really wants to know what happened but she can't find herself interfering in her master's marial affairs.

She sighs in her mind and decides to inform the important news that the eunuch has told her when she was outside "master, there is an invitation for you."

Yuzu tilts his head without uttering any word. He knows what the invitation is. He got this invitation in his last life too.

In his last life Concubine Jia-li persuaded the empress dowager to invite him in the baby shower where he was insulted again and again by the empress dowager. He was taunted as infertile lady who was cursed in a man's body.

"Master ..... "

Yuzu comes out of his thoughts hearing Meimei's loud voice. He blinks and looks at Meimei "huh ?"

"Will you go to Concubine Jia-li's baby shower ? This invitation is from empress dowager." Meimei asks already hinting that they can't ignore this invitation.

Yuzu nods "we .. will attend after ceremony party .."

"At night ?"

Yuzu nods slowly. He doesn't think he can see Emperor giving his hair stick to Jia-li , at ceremony. At least when he attended the ceremony last time , his hair stick was on his hair.

Meimei looks at her master in worry "But master, empress dowager will not be present at party. She will be in ceremony only. And if we don't go to ceremony then why going to party ?"

Yuzu rests his head on his soft pillow. Suddenly he feels very tired of everything. "I want to see."

Meimei frowns.

"What do you think Meimei ? Will my hair-stick look good on Jia-li's hair ?"

Meimei widens her eyes. She hurriedly runs towards her master's closet drawer where whe kept ...."The blossom..." The drawer is empty.
Meimei takes two steps back in shock.

She hears a faint sob from her master. Her eyes become blurry too "Master ... maybe ... His highness .. is angry with you for talking with ... Minister Xingchen. If you .... go to him now
...... he will not give it to concubine Jia-li."

Meimei utters controlling her sobs. "Master .... Why don't... You visit his ...highne ...

"I am tired Meimei. I will sleep now."

Meimei stops, hearing her master's reply. How can her master reply so steadily without stammering while breaking down ? How can he endure so much pain silently ?

When her master first woke up from coma, she thought it was for good that her master has changed but now, she wish it was her previous master who would've mess the palace till now. Who would shout at his highness and curse that concubine till death.

"Master .." Meimei calls again.

"Wake me up at the time of the party, Meimei. I will go there."

Meimei sighs "ok master. I will go and pay your respect to empress dowager."

Meimei waits a little for Yuzu's reply but she steps out of the room when her master didn't answer. She said she will pay respect to empress dowager but the hell she will.

She needs to attend the ceremony to see what his highness gives to concubine Jia-li . If he gives "The blossom" to that bitch she will purposely faint and fall on top of that hair stick. If it doesn't belong to her master, it wouldn't belong to anybody else.

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