chapter 18- Trap

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Yuzu knocks on Xingchen's door for the third time. He taps his feet outside the door impatiently. In hurry he forgot to ask Meimei whether Xingchen also went out with Zixuan or not !

He knocks again. "Chief minister ? Are you inside ?"


Yuzu sighs as no one answers the call. He needs to come back again to meet Xingchen but that will be a great risk.

Yuzu was about to leave when he heard something falling down inside the chamber. Yuzu stops.

"Minister ... Are you inside ?" Yuzu calls again "I am .. comming in.. ?"

Yuzu frowns as there is still no reply. Did something happen to ... Yuzu pushes the door open with his both hands and steps inside the room hurriedly.

An empty glass rolls to his feet as soon as he steps in. Yuzu looks up.

"N..noble consort." Xingchen lowers his head in distress.

Yuzu looks at Xingchen standing at the corner of his chamber in confusion before looking at the person sitting at the centre of the room - Zixuan.

Zixuan smirks "I was waiting for you since morning consort Yuzu. Aren't you too late to visit your minister ?"

Yuzu blinks. What is happening? Zixuan spread fake rumours to catch him guilty ?

"Anyways," Zixuan stands up from his seat "Since consort Yuzu is here, should I leave, Xingchen? Need personal space ? To discuss personal matters which can't be done in front of me ?"

Xingchen kneels on the ground devastatedly "His highness, this is not what you think... Consort Yuzu has nothing to do with this minister...."

Zixuan turns to look at Yuzu "Really ? Surprisingly, consort Yuzu has nothing to do with me either!"

Yuzu sighs. He is tired of this shit. He just wanted to live in peace. How hard was it ? "Minister Xingchen, what you said to me that day, were you talking about the ex. Healer ?"

Xingchen looks up hurriedly. He didn't expect consort Yuzu to bring it out in front of his highness.

"Was he the one who was threatened twice ?" Yuzu asks again ignoring Zixuan who was still looking at his face with a cold look.

Xingchen understands the seriousness of Yuzu's voice. He nods "yes , your highness, the ex. Healer was threatened twice to lie to his highness."

Zixuan who subconsciously hears Xingchen's words turns around at Xingchen. "In which matter ? I thought I already solved the poisoning case. Or does consort Yuzu depends on you for justice these days ?"

Xingchen trembles. His highness isn't shouting. He isn't even raising his voice but the tone ,the taunts .. those are worse than his highness's shouts.

Yuzu on the other hand stays as unbothered as possible. He doesn't care. He has cried a lot yesterday and till today morning he realised that if Zixuan throws him again to abandoned palace, he will be better again.

So he is not afraid of Zixuan. As long as Zixuan isn't punishing Xingchen, he doesn't care if Zixuan thinks that he has an affair with Xingchen.

"Minister Xingchen was responsible for escorting the ex. Healer to dungeon. When he was doing his duty , the healer confessed his another crime to him. As that crime is way more serious and grave Minister Xingchen wanted to consult me before you. As I hold the second highest rank after you."  Yuzu states casually.

"What Crime ?" Zixuan looks at Yuzu seriously this time. "Why it was not mentioned to me before ?"

"I haven't met the ex. Healer. Minister did. It's better if you hear from him directly."

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