*chapter 49

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Yuzu comes out of Zixuan bedchamber early in the morning only to find Meimei standing at the door with an anxious face.

"What's wrong ?"

Meimei hurriedly runs towards her master "master .. the maids .. almost all the maids of the palace want to meet you and they said that they wouldn't do any work until they meet noble consort."

Yuzu frowns "They are on strike ?"

Meimei nods.

Yuzu frowns. It happened for the first time. He hurriedly walks into the meeting room "Bring them in .." .

Meimei again runs outside. The whole palace is in chaos. At this rate after few seconds all with blame her master and say he is an incapable consort. She stands in front of the head of the maid "let's go."

The head maid rolls her eyes. "Don't give your fowl attitude to us. It's not our fault."

Meimei scoffs "Hurry ! Master is waiting."

The head maid ignores Meimei's attitude as she entered the meeting room. She bows to the noble consort with genuine respect. Since the moment consort Yuzu became noble consort nobody has dared to cut their wages. For which they are really greatful to noble consort. But ...

"What happened ?" Yuzu asks calmly.

"Noble consort, we work here for the royals with our heart and soul. In return we expect our wages which we get timely. We have no problems with that. But we thought we deserve a little respect along with our wages too. If not as a servant then as a human being."

"Who insulted you ?"

The head maid gulps. "Forgive us for our ...."

"Do not fear, who disrespected you ?" Yuzu repeats his question.

"The new guest of the palace."

Yuzu frowns. New guest ? At this moment there is no one new except ..
"Is it my sister - Yimli ?"

The head maid lowers his head.

Yuzu takes in a deep breath "what did she do ?"

"She ...

"Do not fear ! Master knows her sister very much !" Meimei chimes in.

Yuzu was about to glare at Meimei when empress dowager enters the meeting room. "What is happening here ? Can't you handle some servants properly consort Yuzu ?"

Yuzu doesn't bow t empress dowager. He looks at the maid "so what did the new guest do ?"

The maid looks at the empress dowager in hesitation.

"Do not fear." Yuzu repeats again.

"She asked Mei Yin to clean her shoes."

"That's a maid's job." Empress dowager chimes in.

"Mei Yin didn't deny. Mei Yin was going to fetch water but she refused to wait and ask Mei Yin to lick it to clean."

A pain pops in Yuzu's head "What ?"

"Yes noble consort. Nobody in this palace has ever treated us like this."

Yuzu clenches his fist "Isn't Mei Yin same age as Meimei ?"

"Mei Yin is even younger than me. She also goes to school with me." Meimei reports in a pissed off voice.

Empress dowager who was silent till now opens her mouth "why did you allotted your sister a kid as a maid ? It's not her fault if she was tired of waiting."

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