*chapter 21- mistress

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Yuzu feels a warm hug engulfing him as he sees black all around him. He closes his eyes completely. He doesn't care who is it. He needs this hug now.

"What are you doing, Zixuan ?" Empress dowager shouts at her son as she sees him hugging that annoying scum consort in front of the whole court.

Zixuan slowly rubs on Yuzu's back to calm Yuzu down ignoring his mother's question.


"My son is sick." Ministers Bai cuts empress dowager. Since the first day his son has stepped in this palace, empress dowager has hated his son. He ignored it because of Yuzu's undying love for Zixuan. But now his son-in-law is breaking the marriage, then there is no reason for him to stay silent.

"Your son is pretending. He was completely fine when he blamed concubine Jia-li for adultery." Empress dowager retorts. "Zixuan, be clear are you going to keep your promise or not ?"

Zixuan pulls Yuzu in his arms before signing the new healer to check Yuzu's pulse. "Mother should lower her voice. It's not good for your health."

"Zixuan don't avoid my question. Are you going to break your marriage with him or not ? I want an answer right now." Empress dowager shouts louder than before.

"I never said I will break my marriage with consort Yuzu, mother. You heard it wrong." Zixuan states finally. "I only promised I wouldn't see his face and I am not seeing his face."

Empress dowager looks at her son in disbelieve. "Isn't it the same ?"

"No." Zixuan looks dead in his mother's eyes "Bai Yuzu is my consort. Our marriage is our personal matter. No one else can decide the matters of our marriage. This is between consort Yuzu and Me."

"Your highness, if consort Yuzu remains your consort then how would you avoid seeing his face ? In one way or another, your promise will break .. and what if he deliberately...."

"Concubine Afreen !" Zixuan cuts Afreen's words in a cold tone. "I am observing it for days, you are being unapologetically disrespectful towards noble consort Yuzu. Even before today, you went on to cut his allowance, snatching his hairpin, attacking him physically, care to explain what is your problem here ? I never heard your name being mentioned in this case.

Afreen's face turns dark. She looks at Yuzu's sleeping face in Zixuan's arms. She knew it. She knew it since the day Yuzu stepped in the palace that one day Zixuan would prioritise this man over anything. She warned all the consorts and concubines about this before. Yet ....


Afreen comes out of his thoughts hearing an ugly shout. She looks straight only to meet Zixuan's glaring eyes. Was she just sheeting at consort Yuzu ? Shit .. how could she lose control in front of whole court.

"GET OUT !" Zixuan shouts with gritted teeth.

"I am sorry .. your highness .."


Afreen hurriedly bows "yes, your highness. I will remember that."

Jia-li gulps back her fear as she sees Afreen walking out of the court in hurried steps. Would it be wise to open her mouth now ? She doesn't think so but what empress dowager is doing ? Wouldn't she protest anymore ?

Empress dowager who was waiting for the healer to examine consort Yuzu, tilts her head as soon as the healer releases Yuzu's wrist. "Nothing serious, noble consort just panicked. Maybe .... Because of the ... "

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