*chapter 54

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"I need the truth Afreen !" Yuzu stands in front of Afreen looking dead in her eyes.

Afreen's vicious eyes fall on Yuzu "WHAT TRUTH ? I DID NOTHING."

Yuzu folds his arms in front of his chest "Why did you spy on all of us ?"

Afreen scoffs "I didn't spy on anybody."

"Afreen, you aren't going out of this prison anytime soon. And I think you already know , your father wouldn't help you."

"MY FATHER WILL HELP ME. I AM THE PRINCESS OF AMARI."  Afreen shouts like a mad woman.

"The younger princess of Amari." Yuzu confirms. "You betrayed your big sister whose marriage was fixed with Zixuan."

Afreen eyes widens but she doesn't look shocked "what nonsense."

Yuzu smiles "few days ago, his highness tracked your outgoing and incoming letters. Guess what .. no letters from your father or brothers .. no letter from you either .."

Afreen sits on her chair "I don't like to gossip about my in law's to my father." .

Yuzu sits in front of Afreen too. "In your father's palace, you had a group of maids who were very loyal to you. After all it wasn't easy to hide the original bride at the very last moment. Was it ?"

"I don't know what you are saying." Afreen hisses.

"You father didn't reveal the truth to Zixuan because he was scared of punishment. Betrayal to the emperor means death penalty." Yuzu replies calmly. 

Afreen doesn't react.

"You schemed to be his highness's consort. But after you became the consort, you never showed any desire for his highness. Why ? Do you have another lover outside the palace ?"

Afreen scoffs again. "Lover, my foot. I am not a emotional fool like you all."

Yuzu takes in a deep breath. He just needed this confirmation from Afreen. "If you don't love his highness why did you betray your sister ?"

"Because I wanted to be the empress of Zi. I deserve to be the empress of Zi. That fool would've died till now, if she had married his highness. I saved her life." Afreen hisses.

"Spying on us just to gain information which can help you to be the empress ?" Yuzu asks.

"Didn't my group maids told you that? Since they already told you about my sister then you should know that too."

Yuzu frowns with a serious face. "I don't think following us really helped you."

Afreen tilts her head. "They actually did." Afreen laughs.

Yuzu can swear that's the most evil laugh he heard in his entire life. But he keeps his patience.

"Why do you think the maid's child got overdose of sleeping pill ?" Afreen grins "because he ate more ?? Nah ... Because I added more sleeping draught in that kid's soup."

Yuzu freezes in his spot. All his life he has blamed himself for that incident.

"I already knew about your plan so I made my plan too. I wanted that kid to die. Kid die , you out ! But I made a mistake...."

"So what ? That incident made you a scum consort in his highness's eyes. He lost his trust in you. Then it was so easy to frame you." Afreen smiles at Yuzu "After that incident , I just needed to give Jia-li ideas, that's it."

"You think Jia-li came out with the plan of framing you ? Nah."

"You !!!!!!!!" Yuzu glares at Afreen in disbelief.

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