*chapter 41

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Yuzu sighs in frustration. He is waiting for Zixuan outside his room for more than half an hour.

"What is this meeting about ?" He asks one of the guards finally.

The guards look at each other "we don't know, Noble consort."

Yuzu clicks his tongue. "Just go and ask him when it will end ?"

"We can't do that.." one of the guards bows in fear.

"Then ask the chief minister when it will end ?"

"Chief minister is not inside, noble consort."

Yuzu frowns "then who is inside ?"

"Prince Yaad."

"Prince Yaad and ?"

The guard gulps. Why he feels like today is his last day in this world "prince Yaad and his highness."


Yuzu stomps inside his room with a sullen face "Meimei ! Meimei !"

Meimei runs inside "yes master."

"You will go to the public school from tomorrow."

Meimei widens her eyes "his highness gave permission? But who will take care of you ...

"I am your master, Meimei ! You don't need his highness's permission. Also, I am not a kid, you are. So it should be me taking care of you." Yuzu states firmly "now, summon the consorts and concubines ... "

"Morning court ?"

Yuzu nods. "I need to have some talks with them. These days harem is being a mess."

Meimei frowns at her master's sudden anger. Just this morning he seemed very happy but suddenly...

She looks at her master's serious face again before summoning all the consorts and concubines.


Yuzu looks at all the consorts and concubines after the took their seat. There is one empty chair at one end. He forgot about Jia-Li.

She is not in harem anymore. He takes one breath of relief. Atleast there is something good.

"This is our first morning court since empress mother's birthday. Do you all have any complaint before I start ?" Yuzu looks at each consort and concubines.

"No problem. Noble consort can go on." Afreen volenteers all the members.

Yuzu nods "then I will come straight to the point. Empress mother's birthday is over. It's been almost one week after that. We attended our guests, we welcomed them with whole heart. But now it's time we go back to our previous routine.

Which includes the departure of the guests. Afreen, when is your borther leaving ?"

Afreen snapps "excuse me .."

Yuzu stays silent and waits for Afreen's answer.

Afreen looks back at Yuzu in disbelief "noble consort .. that's disrespectful. Don't forget .. my brother is not a beggar from the streets. He is a prince. He has enough places to go."

"That's what noble consort asked. When is he going to "the places he has to go"..?" Zubina retorts.

"Zubina .. mind your language." Afreen glares at Zubina.

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