chapter 48

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Zixuan looks at his side with a frown. He is all ready to leave minister Bai's residence.

Empress mother who was standing beside him smiles "I decided to bring Yimli with me. I invited her."

Zixuan grits his teeth. For the first time in his life he feels a strong hatred developing towards his mother.

"Can she co.... "

Yuzu comes out of his room when empress mother was about to ask Zixuan about Yimli's invitation. "You already invited her, what's the meaning of asking his highness now ? You should ask before taking a decision not after."

Empress dowager snaps. How dare he insult her in front of Zixuan ?

"I wouldn't go, if you don't want me to . I was just keeping empress mother's request." Yimli cuts the awkward moment with a sweet tone.

"Then I don't want you to go. Stay here." Yuzu retorts without any hesitation.

Meimei coughs to suppress her smile.

Empress dowager glares at Yuzu but before she could complain Zixuan walks away from the scene.

Yuzu sighs. He knows Zixuan misunderstood him. He didn't mean to say out the law like that it was just he panicked. Yuzu covers his neck with his palm to hide his hickey on the neck.

Minister Bai bids his children googbye with a heavy heart. He doesn't know what is written in his son's fate ? But right now, he is worried about his highness's fate too.

Nobody noticed it but he saw the blood drop which has covered the ground from Zixuan's sword. Zixuan clenched his unsheathed sword while looking at his mother.

For the first time, he noticed the same eyes .. those eyes of ex emperor when he used to look at empress dowager. Full of disgust , hatred and rage. Why he fears that history is going to repeat itself ?

Why he feels like empress dowager is repeating same mistakes again ?


Yuzu sits in front of Zixuan in his carriage. Zixuan's horse was taken by Xingchen when he came to visit. So , Zixuan had no other way expect joining one of the carriages.

"........." Yuzu looks at Zixuan's sleeping face. He sighs.

"You can join other carriages if you want to." Zixuan replies the sigh without opening his eyes.

"Your hand is bleeding ? What happened?" Yuzu asks finally.

"Consort Yuzu doesn't need to concern..." Zixuan stops as he feels a presence just beside him. He opens his eyes.

Yuzu takes Zixuan's hand in his lap "You already lost so many blood. Why do you keep doing this ?"

Zixuan looks at his palm. Yuzu is cleaning the wound slowly with his handkerchief. He looks away before closing his eyes again.

Yuzu smiles softly after cleaning the wound completely. The wound isn't deep. "Zixuan ... Let's get some ink done ..."

Zixuan frowns. He opens his eyes again "ink ?"

"Something other than your scar which would make you more Zixuan." Yuzu whispers. "I fear someday I will wake up and you will be replaced by someone else... I wouldn't even know.

Everytime you don't talk to me, you ignore me ... I feel it's not you. Somebody else is in your place... I keep looking for your hand like a crazy human."

Zixuan sits straight this time "You think my dreams can come true ?"

Yuzu blinks "I had a same kind of dream. I know the name Zhan from that dream."

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