chapter 45

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"when is he going to wake up ?" Yuzu asks as soon as the healer finishes his checking.

The healer sighs with a gloomy face. "Noble consort, His highness's body is getting cold. He is not improving."

"Then do something." Yuzu holds Zixuan cold palm tightly.

"I did what I could do. Now everything is on God. If she wishes, miracles will not be a myth."

Yuzu shakes his head like a little baby "Don't leave everything on God. You need to give him medicine, otherwise how would he ..."

"Noble consort, it's out of my hands now. We must pray. I know you don't trust God. I have never seen you at GuanYin temple. But why not paying a visit and pray .. we all are praying for his highness .."

Yuzu sits by Zixuan's pillow "I wouldn't leave him alone. You go if you have nothing to do. I don't believe  in miracles."

The healer takes in a deep breath before standing up. Noble consort hasn't left his highness's side for two days.

So minister Bai asked him to persue noble consort. He tried. But ....   

He looks at highness's pale face. His highness is barely alive. He has already asked minister Bai to inform empress dowager. If noble consort doesn't leave now then it will be a disaster soon.  "Noble consort ...."

Yuzu looks up irritated "what ?"

"You said , you don't believe in miracles. Did you ever face anything.. anything which you couldn't explain ?"  


Yuzu looks around the big temple with lost eyes. He slowly climbs the stairs with hope. Maybe....

"Noble consort Yuzu, how Mysterious to see you here."

Yuzu turns at the corner of the white stairs. An old woman with messy hair looks at him with an ugly smile.

Yuzu frowns "you know me ?"

"I know everyone who comes here." The woman grins.

"I don't come here."

"But you are here." The woman laughs loudly.

"Are you a beggar?" Yuzu asks irritated. How can she laugh when he is dying. If not he counted his rebirth as miracle .. he wouldn't be here.

"I am a beggar. Are you offering me money ? Or food ?" The woman asks with a soft smile this time.  

Yuzu sighs. Why is he being rude to an old woman. His eyes turn teary. "I am sorry. I have nothing to give you right now."

The old woman's smile didn't fade "nothing ? You are noble consort of Zi."

Yuzu slowly walks towards the lady and sits in front of her "I have nothing  right now. But when his highness gets well, I will give you anything you want. Can you pray for him ?"

"You can't escape death, noble consort. You can trade a life only with a life. That's the price we all must pay."

"What nonsense... " Yuzu gets angry.

The woman looks deeply into Yuzu's eyes "you can only trade one life with another. Do you remember today's date ??"

Yuzu huffs in frustration. "It's 662 solar year, Narcissus 2.."

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