Chapter 22 - regret

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Yuzu blinks again to believe what he is seeing. He is still in the palace. This room looks like Zixuan's bed chamber. But he is not dreaming. Then was he dreaming about the court ? He dreamt about Zixuan breaking their marriage ?

But it looked so real. Yuzu closes his eyes again. Can it be, he died again and came back to the past again ? But which time is this ?

He doesn't remember, sleeping in Zixuan's bed anytime in the past. Not he is not dreaming..not in the past either. But what happened ?

"Are you having problems in your eyes ?"

Yuzu opens his eyes again. "What am I doing in your bed ?"

"So you are having problems with your memory." Zixuan flips the paper of his document with a smile "Don't stress your brain, I am your husband. That's why you are in my bed."

Yuzu snaps "That's not what I mean. Why am I here ? What happened to the court ? Why ... haven't you promised to not see my face ?"

"I am not seeing your face." Zixuan replies casually.

Yuzu frowns "This is not funny. Stop smiling. I am not getting it. Aren't you breaking our marriage?"

Zixuan flipps the pages casually "why would I ?"

"You promised Concubine Jia-li."

"I promised not to see your face. I never promise to break our marriage."

Yuzu's jaw drops. Is this man fucking serious ? "Isn't it the same ?"

"No." Zixuan doesn't explain anything further.

Yuzu blinks again. He doesn't know if he is happy or upset about this new news but he feels uncomfortable with Zixuan not looking at him. "Are you .. not going to look at me forever?"

Zixuan smirks, still looking at the papers "Is noble consort Yuzu upset about this ?"

Yuzu sighs "Why would I ? I was just thinking. .. you are not good with your promises. Neither to me nor to Jia-li. Anyways, I should leave now."

Zixuan holds Yuzu's wrist as he turns to climb down the bed. "I know, you have so many complains with me , consort Yuzu. I never kept my promise, I never trusted you. I can't change past, Yuzu. But this time I am counting on you. I will not see your face until I prove your innocence. This is a punishment I am giving to myself."

Yuzu stays silent for sometimes before he sighs "This kind of thing, you can't prove it by enquiry. What if you never ....

I don't care what you do , Zixuan. It's just don't play your push and pull with me. I just want peace. If you have promised to break our marriage, you should've done it."

Zixuan's grip on Yuzu's hand tightens. His voice turns cold "Would you be happy if I break our marriage? You have a new lover ?"

"Leave me." Yuzu tries to pull his hand back.

"What is going on between Xingchen and you ?" Zixuan jerks Yuzu's hand.

Yuzu falls on the bed again. "Zixuan, ..

"Zixuan hoovers over Yuzu "WHY?"

Yuzu'e eyes meet Zixuan's eyes as he feels the bedsheet covering half of his face. Zixuan is looking at him dead in the eyes.

"What are you doing ?" Yuzu asks in. A little panic. The position he is in making him nervous.

"WHAT I HAVE RIGHTS TO DO !" Zixuan lowers his face pressing Yuzu deep in the bed.

"You ... You promised... You wouldn't touch me." Yuzu moves his head to the side avoiding Zixuan's mouth.

"Didn't. You. Said. I. Don't. Keep. My. Promises." Zixuan hisses in a cold tone.

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