chapter 58

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Zemin was smiling in his mind when Yang Xi entered his room unannounced.  "Zemin ..."

Zemin's face turns cold "it's his highness !"

Yang xi clicks his tongue. "Leave that. Do you know what I just found out?"

"What ?" 

"Zi kingdom has a law. According to that law you can claim half of the Zi kingdom on your own name." Yang xi informs happily.

Zemin's face stays neutral. "And ?"

"And what ?"

"I already know that. What's new ?"

Yang Xi frowns "Then why didn't you claim it as Zemin ? How long will you be in disguise as Zixaun?"

"Forever !" Zemin fixes his robe without giving any attention to Yang xi. "Now, you can leave. Yuzu will be here soon. He may suspect."

Yang Xi grips his fists "why would you meet him ?"

"Because he is my consort now."

"He is Zixuan's consort." Yang Xi growls. "Don't tell me you like that irritating bastard !"

Zemin laughes "You are one who is being irritating now , Yang Xi. Leave otherwise we will get caught."

"Shut up ! We already got caught. Yuzu recognised you are not Zixaun, already." 

Laugh disappears from Zemin's face "what did you say ?"

"He realised that you are Zemin."

"Where is he now ?"

"In the cellar with Zixuan." 



Zemin runs towards the cellar in hurried steps. Yang Xi runs behind him with fuming anger. "Wait ! You can't betray me like that. Answer me."

Zemin runs without giving a second thought. Before this day he used to hate Yuzu. How Yuzu chooses Zixuan over him ? But today , Yuzu said he hasn't consumated his marriage with Zixuan. It means Yuzu doesn't belong to Zixuan.

Yang Xi looks at Ze-min's running back. He sheeths in his mind. Zemin has betrayed him ? Zemin used him ? He grips his knife tightly. This is not happening. "ZEMIN !"


Zemin runs inside the cellar only to find a bloodified Yuzu. He gasps. His nightmares ... His nightmares of Yuzu and Zixuan in a cellar , covered in blood ... came true.

"No no NOOOOOO !" Zemin kneels down on the ground with a fierce scream.  "No ... "

Zixuan opens his eyes as soon as he finds Zemin off guard. He tackles Zemin with his one hand.

Zemin was so in shock that he couldn't react. 

Yuzu opens his eyes finally. "Be careful."

Zemin gasps at Yuzu "You betrayed me again. You betrayed me again."

Yuzu frowns but he decides to stay silent. "We need to get out of here."

"Not so soon !" Yang Xi walks in the cellar with his knife. "All three of you...will never go out of this room."

Zixuan sighs. That's what he feared. 

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