chapter 59

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Yuzu hugs Zixuan as soon as they enter Zixuan's room. "I never knew it was him. Trust me."

Zixuan caresses lightly on Yuzu's hair "umm .. I know."

Yuzu rest his head on Zixuan's small chest "I have always loved you since my childhood."

Zixuan smiles "me too. You know how hard I tried to find Yue Yan back then ? I can't believe it was you all this time."

"I thought you forgot about me. I always wondered why you never replied to my letter."

Zixuan hugs Yuzu tightly. All of these feel like a dream to him.

Yuzu looks up from Zixuan's hug "what are you going to do now ?"

Zixuan breaks the hug. "Gonna break my marriage with Afreen. She will be escorted back to her homeland. Same for Anaya. Mother will be in house arrest and she will not be the empress dowager anymore. Gonna ask father Tao to take that title."

"I am not talking about them Zixuan. What about Zemin ?" Yuzu asks in worry.

Zixuan sighs "I don't know. He caused so many troubles for you but if he is the villain then I am a villain too. It was me who abandoned you, not him.

All of this started because of my blind trust on my mother , blind hatred towards you. He just took advantage of the situation. If he deserves punishment then me too ..."

Yuzu holds Zixuan's hand "don't say it like that. You didn't cause Jia-li or Zubina's death."

"Technically he didn't either." Zixuan places his head on Yuzu's lap.

"You are defending him ?" Yuzu asks finally. He heard Zixuan's tone towards Zemin back in the cellar. He realised already that Zixuan has a brotherly weakness towards Zemin.

"He is Zhan's father. I don't know. I just can't get to blame him without blaming everybody else in my life. I feel like we all are responsible for his hatred."

Yuzu nods slowly. He understands it too. Yet they had to suffer for two lives because of this one person. Can he forgive Zemin ? "Then why did you lie about father Tao,'s sentence?"

Zixuan shruggs "I wanted to see his human side once. If between his fake love and lovers , I just wanted to see whether he cares about anyone or not."

"He does." Yuzu remembers Zemin's desparate tone.Maybe it was not Zemin. It was Jia-li, also Afreen , empress dowager.. Zixuan .. all were responsible for their misery.

"What are you thinking ?" Zixuan whispers softly.

Yuzu chuckles "when I first came back from the past, the only thing I wanted was revenge. Revenge from you , your mother , Jia-li. I never imagined situation would turn out this way."

Zixuan raises his head slowly from Yuzu's lap "you want to punish them ?"

"No !" Yuzu replies firmly. "I want to live peacefully with you and Zhan. That's what I wanted in past life. Maybe, that's why I got second chance. To fulfill the wishes of my last life." Yuzu smiles warmly. "Let them go. I don't want to do anything with them."

"Burn the bridges .. eh ?" Zixuan laughs.

Yuzu nods. "If Zemin wants give him the kingdom. We can leave father Tao and ex emperor did."

Zixuan laughs "as much as I wish to do that. I can't. Zemin is not ready. And I am not an escapist like my father. I have responsibilities towards my kingdom. What my father did, was wrong. He is the one who started all these."

Yuzu rolls his eyes "I can never win against your responsibilities.. huh ? Even in this life ?"

Zixuan looks at Yuzu with all the love and respect "you can't. I can't love you like my father loved Tao."

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