chapter 26 - infertile burden

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"I also got a plan." Afreen gets  interrupted by Jia-li.

Afreen frowns "really ? What is it ? Let me hear yours first."

Jia-li looks around to make sure no one is hearing them "look, His highness doubts that Yuzu and minister Xingchen have an affair. What if, we trap Yuzu with Xingchen and make it look like he cheated on his highness ?"

Afreen tilts her head "you mean ...

"I mean , we need to make consort Yuzu sleep with minister Xingchen. Better if one of them is unclothed. What do you say ?" Jia-li's eye glows in excitement.

"No." Afreen shakes her head. "I thought about it already. But I have dismised the idea."

"Why ?"

"Because we have to divert his highness's attention from Yuzu not the other way around. If he sees Yuzu with minister Xingchen, he would get jealous and keep Yuzu close to him.

Just like he did last time. He brought Yuzu back  from Abandoned chamber to main palace in the blink of an eye. "

"Oh no no no." Jia-li shakes her head. "This can't be ...."

Afreen nods "I know. Now, listen to me. My idea is a little risky but if we succeed Yuzu will be out of the picture forever."

"You mean murder ?" Jia-li gasps.

Afreen chockes on her saliva "noo .... are you mad ? I am talking about distracting His highness's attention from Yuzu."

"Just tell me your plan." Jia-li loses her patience finally.

"Well, think one thing .. why are we so scared of Yuzu ? Out of all consorts why we are only after Yuzu ?"

"Because he is the male consort of his highness and his highness has a thing for male consort." Jia-li replies.

"Yes ! And right now Yuzu is the only male consort of his highness but what if Yuzu not stays the only one ?" Afreen raises her one eyebrow with a questioning gaze.

"You mean ... a new male consort ?"

Afreen smirks "yeah .. a new one."

"Is only Yuzu not enough ? You want to bring another one ?"

"Think it through, Jia-li.. two male consorts wouldn't make Yuzu exceptional anymore and this new one will be from our side, listening to our orders."

Jia-li frowns "are you sure ?"

Afreen nods. "I am but there is one problem .."

"What ? Empress dowager ? I will manage her. I am pregnant now. She will listen to everything I say."

"Not her. The problem is about executuing the plan. Why would suddenly his highness take another consort ? We can't just bring a boy and ask his highness to marry him."

Jia-li laughs loudly this time "you just find a boy, Afreen. Leave the rest on me. We can't ask his highness to marry the boy but empress dowager can."

Afreen's eyes lit up "Then what's the delay.. I already have a boy in mind. I am so ready to destroy Yuzu's peaceful sleep forever.


"I told you I wouldn't sleep with you." Yuzu glares at Zixuan as Zixuan climbs on his bed.

"No, consort Yuzu. I said you wouldn't consummate our marriage. And I am not here to consummate our marriage. I am here to sleep." Zixaun smirks.

"It's the same thing. You can't sleep here. Go back to your own room or anywhere else, I don't care. But, You. Can't. Sleep. Here."

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