chapter 46

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Yuzu looks at the ceiling with a lost gaze. He is still in a daze. He can't believe Zixuan was replaced in his last life and no one noticed. It feels like a story where suddenly an identical twin pops out of nowhere.

Yuzu looks down. Zixuan is deep in his sleep beside him. Partly because of the exhaustion , partly because of the medicine. Yuzu slowly lifts Zixuan's right palm. He looks at the cut which is the only difference between Zixuan and Zemin.

He didn't ask how Zixuan died. Or had Ze-min tortured him to death or not ? He is not ready for the details yet. It can be a dream for Zixuan but for him it all happened like yesterday. Very clear , very real.

Yuzu caresses the mark on Zixuan's palm. The deep cut is old. The wound is healer but the left the mark. It's hard to recreate the exact same cut. Even if Ze-min tries, he can't make it as old as Zixuan's.

"Yuzu !"

Yuzu sits on the bed. "Father ... Come in .. why are you standing there."

Minister Bai smiles "I was thinking if you are up or not."

"Just woke up." Yuzu stands up from the bed. "Do you need anything ?"

"His highness's medicine. He needs to take it before breakfast. But he is not up yet ?"

Yuzu chuckles "you know ,how he sleeps... Like a child."

Minister Bai sits on the mini sofa. "He is still a child. I wonder what made you grow up so much ?"

Yuzu frowns with a funny face "what ?"

Minister Bai looks at Yuzu with a serious face "when you asked to marry His highness. I instantly knew it was a bad idea. You two were never an ideal match."

Yuzu sits in front of his father. But he didn't interrupt.

"You were in your little happy bubble. You were in love with a person whom you never knew. Your heart and soul was not made to be in a harem. You were immature.

And I also knew Zixuan was not mature enough to protect you. Zixuan was in his mother's bubble. He was never raised to rule a kingdom like an ideal crown prince, he was raised to accept his mother's order."

Minister Bai smiles "In one word, Zixuan was not that ideal , powerful king whom you pictured in your heart. You got that proof. Didn't you ?"

Yuzu looks at his father with a little pout "He is not a bad king."

"He is not bad. He tries really really hard not to be a bad king. But Yuzu , he lacked guidence. The right guidence. So you were not the ideal male consort he needed. He needed someone like Yaad beside him."

"Yaad is a fool." Yuzu retorts in jealousy.

"Yaad is not a fool, Yuzu. But You have become smart suddenly. I have seen you whine for Zixuan for years .. when did you learn to fight for Zixuan ?"

Yuzu looks back directly into his father's eyes.

"What happened Yuzu ? What have you suffered in that abandoned chamber ? I want to know."

Yuzu looks away "what would happen... You know what happened.. I wanted you to beg for me tha..that's why I cut my wrist."

"Then why did you stop me in court that day ?"

Yuzu blinks "I .. I just realised if you beg, then it would look like I accepted the accusition."

"You didn't have the maturity to foresee things, Yuzu. I know that very well. But if you don't want to reveal, then I will not force you." Minister Bai stands up.

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