*chapter 19 - equal to all

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"Your highness !"

The ex. Healer kneels in front of Zixuan as soon as he steps inside the court.

"Rise !" Zixuan orders in a cold tone.

The ex. healer nods and slowly stands up, still not making eye contact with Zixuan.

"Do you know why you are summoned here ?" Zixuan wasted no time in asking.

The ex. healer shakes his head.

"There is blame against you that you lied to me about concubine Jia-li's pregnancy. Is it true ?"

Yuzu takes a deep breath as he sees the healer shaking his head again.

"It's not true ? Was she pregnant when you first checked her ?" Zixuan asks specifically "Use your words !"

The ex. Healer looks at his highness for the first time. His eyes look tired and worried "Yes , your highness. She was pregnant when I checked her for the first time."

Zixuan's grip on Yuzu's wrist tightens "Then why did you say the otherwise to my chief minister?"

Yuzu looks at the ex. Healer in worry. Should he put all the blame on Xingchen ?

"Your highness ! Minister Xingchen asked me to say otherwise."

Xingchen looks at the ex. Healer in disbelieve "Why would I do that ?"

"Xingchen !" Zixuan warns.

"Pardon, your highness." Xingchen bows with a deep frown on his face. He was sure it was not a trap when ex. Healer confessed to him. Then why ....

"Answer chief minister's question. Why would he ask you to do that ?" Zixuan focuses on the ex. Healer again.

"Because, chief minister was not satisfied with your punishment to concubine Jia-li. He felt bad for consort Yuzu. He wanted to punish concubine Jia-li for consort Yuzu." The ex. Healer states without any hesitation.

Zixuan tilts his head. "And why didn't you do what Xingchen asked you to do ?"

"I lied once , your Highness. I wouldn't do the same mistake again."

Zixuan stays silent hearing the reply. Everybody in the court starts whispering anticipating the result.

Yuzu looks at Jia-li's smiling face with the corner of his eyes. He sighs internally. After all this time, he has realised one thing .. he can't change the past. Doesn't matter how hard he tries. In one way or another the history will repeat itself.

Just like the way his blossom broke, he had to go back to main palace, and now he will be thrown out again then Jia-li will take his position again. Yuzu's eyes burn. Will his father ....

"Your highness !"

Yuzu stops thinking as he hears Jia-li's voice calling for Zixuan. Zixuan hasn't uttered a word neither did he release his grip from Yuzu's hand.

"Your highness, I was punished when I did wrong. Today, I want same punishment for noble consort too. He did wrong too. He questioned My character, he questioned your heir." Jia-li utters these words without any pause but she has maintained her pityful acting all along.

Yuzu stays silent. He is not affraid of going back to abandoned chamber. He is not affraid of his position freezing either. But he is afraid thinking what Zixuan will do to Xingchen.

Zixuan raises his hand to calm down the court as the whispers was getting louder. "Healer .. do you know anything about growth promoting potion ?"

The healer gulps "yes ... Your highness."

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