chapter 4 - Act of Shame

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"PUNISHMENT BEFORE PROVING THE CRIME ?" Zixuan shouts in a pin-drop silent court.

All the officials who were too shocked to talk find their voice again. Everybody looks at Minister Bai with questioning gaze. Did consort Bai Yuzu actually denied poisioning concubine Jia li just now ?

"Your highness !" The chief minister who were standing silent at the side of the court till now, opens his mouth.

"WHAT ?" Zixuan shouts again. He still can't believe what just happened. How could consort Yuzu not greet him. Where did his audacity come from ?

"Your highness , if consort Yuzu denies poisoning concubine Jia-li then we have to run an enquiry session in the court."

Minister Bai raises his head for the first time hearing the mention of enquiry session. "Chief minister, it's already been seven days since concubine Jia-li was poision. Isn't it too late to en...

"Does Minister Bai also thinks like his son that I am not capable for justice ?" Zixuan cold eyes falls on minister Bai.

"No ... no ! Your highness !This servant never meant that."

Zixuan looks at minister Bai's upright posture. Never meant that ? Yet not apologising?

"Minister Bai , today , right now I will arrange enquiry session and investigate the poisioning case of concubine Jia-li. If It proves consort Yuzu innocent then I will take consort Yuzu back to main palace with his full glory. But if it proves consort Yuzu is guilty , you will not beg for his forgiveness. You have to accept any punishment I put on your son." Zixuan ascends to his throne gracefully.

Minister Bai meets emperor's gaze. He feels the challenging tone in emperor's voice. He knows if his son is proved to be guilty this emperor wouldn't even hesitate to murder his son. But today the way Yuzu came to the court......

Minister Bai gives out a deep sigh "I understand , _your highness."

Zixuan smirks. So indeed this minister thinks his son is innocent. Huh? "Xingchen" Zixuan calls for his chief minister.

The chief minister moves forward with a bow.

"Inform all my concubines and consorts to be present here now including Jia-li , her maid and consort Yuzu."

The chief minister - Xingchen, bows again before leaving the tensed court with all minister whispering in between them.

Xingchen was expecting a different kind of trouble today. He thought minister Bai will beg and emperor will take back consort Yuzu to main palace. He even ordered the head servant to clean consort Yuzu's previous room.

But everything went in a opposite direction. He never expected, consort Yuzu who is a complete fool in love, will ever stand up against the emperor.

Now he just wishes concubine Jia-li doesn't play any dirty trick on consort Yuzu again. Consort Yuzu is a good person who doesn't have anything except the emperor in his head. That's why it's easy to trick him.

"Minister Xingchen ?"

Xingchen comes out of his thoughts hearing another male's voice. He looks around. He is already at the entrance of the abandoned chamber. And the person who called him just now is ...

"greetings , Consort Yuzu." Xingchen bows.

Yuzu nods a little "is there anything wrong ?"

"Consort , emperor has ordered his every consort and concubine to be present at court, now."

Yuzu tilts his head a little.

Xingchen clears his throat a little "It's about the poisioning incident. Emperor has arranged an enquiry session."

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