chapter 57

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Yuzu takes in a deep breath before walking into Zixuan's room. He needs to face Zixuan. It's not the time to fight.  "Zixuan ..."

Zixuan turns at Yuzu with an unreasonable expression. 

Yuzu takes another deep breath. His restlessness is making him unable to form any sentence. An unknown fear... "I am sorry ! I was just upset. I didn't mean to push you away and father Tao was there too."

Zixuan stays silent.

"Please Zixuan ..." Yuzu stands in front of Zixuan with a panic expression. "If you want ... We can consummate our marriage right now. I love you and I have always wanted to. ..."

Yuzu stops as Zixuan cups his face. "Consummate now ? You mean.." .

Yuzu blushes but he nods. "We can do it ..." Yuzu holds Zixuan's hands that were cupping his face.

Zixuan smiles "why not ?" He leans down to capture the pink lips with his own.

Yuzu trembles. "W..wait!"

"What now ?"

Cold sweat breaks on Yuzu's forehead "I .. I am not ready yet."

"I will make you ready."

Yuzu shakes his head in an unknown fear "t.. tonight .. give me sometime .. please."


Yuzu ran out of Zixuan's room in panic. He needs to find someone. His father , Xingchen .. anyone ..

Yuzu holds his chest with a gasping breath. He is sure when they argued in Tao's room it was Zixuan himself but right now , the right palm was so smooth. It's not Zixuan.

Zemin has replaced Zixuan. Where is Zixuan? In the celler ? But which celler ?"

Yuzu runs around to find help but everybody is busy with Zubina's death. Oh no !   Yuzu gasps for breath again.

"Noble consort ! Are you ok ?" 

Yuzu turns around hearing a familiar voice. "Yang xi .. where is Xingchen ?"

Yang xi frowns "umm... In the cemetery, I guess..but anything wrong ?"

Yuzu nods hurriedly "I need his help. Zixuan ... Zixuan's twin has replaced him. And right now he is in the disguise."

Yang Xi gasps. "No way .."

"Yes we need to find Xingchen and the cellar . Let's go."

Yang Xi nods but then he stops "noble consort .. did you say a cellar ?"

"Yes yes .. we need to .."

"I know where is it. Xingchen said his highness visited the cellar few weeks ago."

Yuzu widens his eyes "where is it ?"


Zixuan pulls his chains harshly as he sees someone dragging an unconscious body in the cellar. He doesn't need to know who is it.

"YANG XI !" Zixuan shouts.

Yang Xi chuckles "your consort is a fool you know ?"

Zixuan growls "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM ?"

"Nothing.. I haven't killed him. I already got scolded for killing Zubina. So I am not doing it again." Yang Xi chuckles "but what can I do ? He found out that you were replaced."

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